Sarah Adams (EDIT)

I am a determined, hardworking, and professional student. The hospitality industry encompasses all of my passions and strengths into one field. My lifetime goal is to become an international food critic, travel the world, and have my own wine. My short term goals are to understand each sector of hospitality to help me develop the knowledge I need to get ahead in the working environment.

12 thoughts on “Sarah Adams (EDIT)

  1. Aaron Gonzales

    Your eprofile was concise yet informative about your history in the hospitality industry. It was very professional but could have used more personal characteristics. Despite of that it was a very solid eprofile.

    1. Sarah Post author

      Hey Aaron, thanks for the feedback! I didn’t add many personal characteristics because I didn’t want my story to be too long lol but I will definitely keep that in mind for next time!

  2. Nathifa

    What did you study at Concordia University. I for one find your submission very interesting. I mean you have traveled, learn things but still couldn’t deice what to do as a careers until you actually started working in an restaurant in NYC, finally you found your passion in the hospitality management which is very good.

    1. Sarah Post author

      Hi Nathifa! I was actually accepted into Concordia University for a French Translation major, but quickly realized that’s not what I wanted to do. Thank you for your feedback!

    1. Sarah Post author

      Hi Ketsia! I’m not really sure, I went to Brazil this past year and fell in love with the people and culture. It’s one of the cities I really found a connection to and could see myself living there. However, I don’t feel like I’ve traveled enough to answer that question

  3. Nathifa

    What did you study at Concordia University? I for one find your submission very interesting. I mean you have traveled, learn things but still couldn’t deice what to do as a careers until you actually started working in an restaurant in NYC, finally you found your passion in the hospitality management which is very good.

    1. Sarah Post author

      Hi Sthefany, thanks for your feedback! When I first started working, the major skill I learned was definitely customer service and I think thats the core of hospitality. I feel that if you can master that, you can master anything. Another skill I’ve learned is to definitely remain patient, calm, and to always be understanding which is not always easy but doable.


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