Jose Banegas

My name is Jose Banegas and I’m from Brooklyn, New York, more specifically East New York. I am attending the New York City College of Technology and am pursuing my Bachelor’s Degree in Hospitality Management. My dream job is to become a chef at a restaurant where I can meet various new people and enjoy new flavors of food. My strengths as a student are my understanding of content and ability to process new information, organization skills and highly adept math skills. My interests as a person include sports such as football, basketball and hockey, animals, cooking and music. In terms of career experience, I have worked for the PAL (Police Athletic League) as a clerical aide, for a yoga school as a blogger and for the MFA (Math For America) organization as a video recorder. My greatest accomplishment in life so far really is knowing that I had job opportunities and making the best of them all so I could earn money, experience and be able to support myself. One day, I will achieve my dream and be able to repay my mother for all she’s done with money, love, support and a nice home cooked meal whenever she wants.

3 thoughts on “Jose Banegas

  1. Your math skills will do you well in our industry, continue to highlight what you know in math and you will find great opportunities. Pair that with your connection to your family and you will repay your mother in more ways than you can imagine.

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