The Tree of Life – DAK

This week, I have been working at Trilobites. At the beginning of my shift, I usually get assigned to the register at the Resto. This allows me to learn more about Disney vouchers, dining plans, and quick service plans. As a register staff, I take orders, call the coordinator for allergies, keep the line moving, and have small interactions with guests. Moreover, I create magical moments by giving out little dinosaur plushies to kids and informing people about the Dino Institute. Once I complete my shift at the Resto, I take a break and then move on to Trilobites to start my preclosing shift. This mainly involves stocking up the cart with napkins, utensils, containers, and labels for ice cream and IPAs, as well as making sure things aren’t expired or rotten for the next service. I also sanitize all the surfaces and clean the floors. Soon, I’ll be closing Dino-Bites.