This week we have seen a very big increase of customers at Deluxe Burger and we are expecting it only to increase over the coming month of march due to the fact that Spring Break is coming and with it comes more and more guests. This particular week we were not expecting a high volume of guests so soon and due to that fact we weren’t ready to handle it but we still managed to get through it. I was on shakes one night and was doing well I had extra gelato made just incase we had an increase of customers I would have been ready to respond to the crowds but unfortunately I couldn’t keep up a steady pace of milkshakes required one ticket became three, three became, nine, nine became fifteen and since our most popular milkshakes include vanilla gelato there became a shortage of vanilla gelato and I couldn’t make anymore shakes but thankfully my coordinator and leader started making some powder gelato. I ended up being able to finish off the long line of tickets because of the help of my co workers and coordinator if it wasn’t for their help I don’t think I would have been able to finish those orders and I would have had to disappoint the customers.

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