Living Learning Earning

You Cannot Plan Everything

This week my family finally came down to Florida to visit me. I was very happy to see them and have time with them in the parks. We had planned it all out to do new things we have never experienced at Disney. However, the weather had different plans, it rained the whole week, down poured and our Christmas Party got rained out. This was all very disappointing as we were all excited for Disney at Christmas time, however we managed to turn things around. We still had a great time because we were all together and celebrating Christmas. From this very frustrating and disappointing experience I have learned that no matter how much you plan you cannot control everything, and you need to go with the flow. This is a very important thing to learn as you can plan and prepare for so much, but you cannot predict everything. Therefore, you need to prepare yourself for when you cannot control the situation and accept the situation at hand. Most times you will be able to turn the situation around and hopefully create a great memory. This is a great skill to learn as sometimes you will have upset guests and you will need to find a way to turn a bad experience into a good one. 


  1. Ana Lopez Reyes

    That super excited, that family came to visit. It sad that you couldn’t do everything, but with family it always fun and hang out together.

  2. Diana Valencia

    Hi Nicole,

    Thanks for that because as someone that panics when things don’t go right even after planning, it is nice to hear that things work out in the end somehow. You’re very right in that we can’t plan everything. Occasionally we forget that other things can and will happen and we have to be ready for them at any moment.

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