Living Learning Earning

See Ya Real Soon

I now only have a month left of my program and it is so bittersweet. I have learned so much about myself, the Walt Disney Company and the Hospitality industry.


The most important thing I have learned during these months here is that it is okay to take a chance on yourself and get out of your comfort zone.  From this experience I have met so many wonderful people from the industry and I was able to understand the inner workings of the food and Bev industry.  I will forever be grateful that I was able to participate in this wonderful opportunity and I will remember this time here for the rest of my life. I have met some of my best friends and fellow colleges that I will keep in touch with throughout my life and career. My one piece of advice for anyone thinking about doing the Disney College Program is to do it because it will change your life. Thank you for being on this journey with me. 


  1. Jesenia Uzhca

    Thank you for the advice. This program seems very exciting to be a part of. I’m very curious about meeting new people in the same industry as me. This is a huge step for me and represents a new beginning for many of us. I hope to learn a lot from this experience.

  2. KevinCF

    Sounds like you’ve had a great time over at Disney! seeing your post gets me excited about heading over! I’m glad you have enjoyed this journey and hope learned a lot.

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