it’s Fall Yall!! Here in Florida the temperatures have dropped to 50/60 degrees and here that feels colder than New York City 50/60 degrees. This change in weather is very welcome, as I love the fall weather and enjoy the cool breezes. It has made going to the parks and nights after work more enjoyable as it is not super-hot out. 

This weather provides a much-needed serotonin boast as it was beginning to feel like the same day over and over again. During times like this when life feels very redundant it is very important to celebrate the little things.  It is great to have friends to chat with because most of the time are all feeling the same way and it is easy to relate to one another. This week has really taught me that change can be good and that if you are feeling down to check in with those closest to you. It is also great to know that Disney and flamingo have resources to help you if you are struggling mentally or with your workload. I go by “you cannot help others, if you do not help yourself”.  I cannot wait for all the fall festivities to come and for the wonderful memories and life lessons I will learn.