This week the crowds have died down as school is back in session. The majority of guests now are annual pass holders and the quick weekend trip guests. This has caused pizzafari to be very slow with occasional pockets of lunch rushes. 

This change in attendance is both welcomed and unwelcome. This is because it allows a little break from the heavy summer rush we had and gives up a chance to regroup and reflect on our performance during those tough times. However, since it is slow, there isn’t too much to do therefore the time goes by a lot slower. 

 During these slow times I have learned that it is just as important to be ready at all times and be eager just as you would during the rush. It has been a bit tougher to adjust as there isn’t the adrenaline rush behind it when it is slow. I have learned to treat every order as efficiently and importantly as all the other ones no matter what the traffic flow of people. I have enjoyed learning to adapt to the different Situations and will counting to learn from situations like these.