As the author who wrote project #2, I like to talk about my work on project 3. The reason why I was interested in this topic in the first place was that I love cooking and working in the kitchen as my dream is to open my own restaurant when I graduated out of college as I always want to be just like my father who also work in a restaurant too cooking a lot of dishes for people to enjoy his dishes and I want to be like my father opening my own restaurant so I can cook different dishes for people to enjoy my cooking. As I research a lot on this topic are I want to know myself is it safe to open my own restaurant even in the pandemic as you don’t want people to get sick from the Covid virus. But it could be a good idea to open a restaurant even in a pandemic.

The purpose of making this project is to help and inform the readers on why is the restaurant struggling in the pandemic as it explains that due to the pandemic a lot of restaurant owners are closing up their doors is they don’t want any of their customers to get sick. Also, the pandemic causes a lot of restaurant workers are leaving the restaurant industry as these workers don’t want to get sick from the pandemic and this is bad for the restaurant owner as it is also hard to find people who want a job to be working in the pandemic.

The reason why I’ve chosen this genre which is the restaurant genre is that I love the restaurant industry as I like cooking dishes and working in the kitchen as also I wonder to know how restaurant owners deal with the pandemic and try to keep their business going and not losing their business as the pandemic cause a lot of issues and it was a challenge for the restaurant owner to deal with and it was interesting to learn creative things these restaurant owners do to not lose their business.

Overall, I feel like this project made me feel stressed is there was a lot of research on the restaurant industry but it was interesting to learn a lot about the restaurant industry and how are restaurant owners dealing with the pandemic and keeping their business in their pandemic as a lot of restaurant owner are thinking creative ways to keep their business going like selling alcohol or have restaurant putting chairs and table outside for people to be eating outside of the restaurant. I feel like the research I did was helpful to learn a lot of information about the restaurant industry and how I can use these creative ways that these restaurant owners do to keep their restaurant business alive and not go downhill.