Jason Wu                                                                                                                       10/5/21

                                                   Annotated Bibliography         

When I was little I always want to work in the restaurant industry as I enjoy cooking and working in the kitchen cooking foods as the reason is that my father work in a restaurant as a job and seeing my father cooking and working in the kitchen make me want to be a chef and work in the restaurant business and even opening my own restaurant in New York City so people can come to my restaurant and enjoy my cooking just like what my father does. Even though there alot thing I worry about working in the restaurant business like working for 10 to 12 hours seven days a week to be successful in this industry as I feel like this is too much work as the thought of working for 10 to 12 hours for a week and walking a lot around the kitchen and even through of remember all the kitchen safeties and food recipes in the kitchen worry me as there is a lot of things you have to remember if you want work in the restaurant industry like how long certain meats need to be cook on the stove and how long the meats need to rest before serving in to the customers and baking is have more rules are measurement is important in baking as if one measurement is off it can change the whole result on how the pastry will look and feel like and don’t get me wrong I knew in first place the restaurant industry would takes hardwork and dedication as that how life is when get a job but the thought of working for 10 to 12 hours in the kitchen for a week and remembering all of the kitchen safety and how to prepare the foods properly is giving me second though on my major choose. There is also an issue with the restaurant industry today now that some restaurant businesses are losing money and business due to the pandemic as Covid causes people to stay inside and prevent them from visiting the restaurant without getting sick as the only option they have to get food from outside is takeout and another issue is that some people including me are unsure if they want to open their own restaurant as due to the pandemic is still happening a lot of people don’t know if is safe to start and open their own restaurant as we don’t want to get anyone to get sick or be sick and also there a lot of restaurants that are battling each other as people who work in the restaurant industry don’t want to lose their business as they try to keep their doors open because of the pandemic but if they open a restaurant then it ok to open your own restaurant even in this time.

Entry 1: Stacey Vanek Smith and Cariff Garcia (July 31, 2020) “Pandemic Puts Restaurant Owners in the Business fight of their lives” 


This article explains how the restaurant business has a lot of problems due to the pandemic, like how some restaurants in the restaurant industry are losing business because of Covid. The restaurants are trying to figure out a way to comply with social distancing rules and make people feel safe and different restaurants are being creative to keep their business open and not to lose any more money from their business. It also explains how many big chains and franchises are going bankrupt and this is bad news for the U.S. economy because the food services industry employs more than 10 million people in the U.S and a lot of these jobs might not be coming back and I believe that the intended audience for this article is for people who need help to understand if it ok to open a restaurant now in 2020-2021 as covid cause people to do social distancing and to make people feel safe. As it explains that big chains are struggling and A number of franchise companies are losing business and this is bad news for the whole U.S. economy because the food services industry employs more than 10 million people in the U.S. and a lot of those jobs are not coming back. I believe the intended audience for this article is the people who are interested in the restaurant business and wonder to know how bad is the restaurant in the industry is struggling and why it is struggling in this pandemic, as explained in the article due to the pandemic some restaurants and even some famous fast-food restaurants like Wendy’s, Pizza Hut, Chuck E. Cheese, and many more are losing business and this is bad for the U.S economy as in this article explains how even though some restaurant is trying creativity way to get their business back in the pandemic like a bigger emphasis on alcohol, fewer items on the menu which means fewer people in the kitchen preparing food and less food that restaurant have to order, and paper plates so that the restaurants don’t need dishwashers. I like how this article explains a lot of things like how the pandemic is affecting the restaurant industry and how some restaurants and fast places are trying creative ways to help with getting their restaurant back to business in the pandemic. 

Entry 2: Emily Barone (June 29, 2021) “This should be a boom time for restaurants. But Owners and the few workers Remaining-Are struggling”


This article explains how restaurants were battered by COVID-19 and one 10 permanently closed during the pandemic with on April 21 only 5,000 restaurant re-openings also why restaurant workers are considering leaving the industry with the reasons is because of low wages and tip with 76%, concerns about COVID-19 safety with 55%, Hostility and harassment from customers 39%, transitioning to a different industry with 31%, and hostility and harassment from coworker/manager with 26%. As customers are eager for a sit-down meal prepared by someone else and craving for a sit-down meal and wish everything will go back to normal, people can go to a restaurant or fast food place without worrying about the Covid virus and getting sick when they step outside of their house. Meanwhile, employer groups argue that enhanced unemployment pits employers against the government, forcing them to inflate salaries to compete with a taxpayer-funded safety net program and a challenge for the restaurants and other businesses that operate on thin margins. Last year a group reported that millions of tipped workers were unable to access unemployment insurance because their earnings were too low for them to qualify. The intent of the authors of this article was to give out information about the restaurant industry and it shows two different graphs showing things like one restaurant reopenings bar graph showing a bar graph on how many restaurants reopen from April 20, 2020, though April 21, 2021, with 25,000 restaurants reopening and then it went down with only 5,000 restaurants reopening on April 21, 2021, and another bar graph of top five reasons restaurant workers are considering leaving the industry with the most reason is low wages and tip with 76% and the less reason is hostility and harassment from coworker/manager with only 26%. It also talks about a person named Mark Domitrovich which he explains that his restaurant business was a challenge even in the pandemic as Domitrovich said “he’s struggling to find and retain enough employees to handle a full house”. As he had about 150 employees before the pandemic and now he is down with 30% of employees and they are key positions but this shows that even though Domitrovich was struggling to run his restaurant business but he kept trying to keep his business running in the pandemic. 

Entry 3: Stacey Vanek Smith & Cardiff Garia (November 18, 2020) “Winter is coming for the restaurant industry” 



This article/audio is about how winter is coming and the pandemic is still here and it might make the restaurant industry a challenge for the restaurant owners as by the end of the year, 100,000 restaurants around the United States will close and the restaurant industry as a whole is on a track to lose $240 billion in 2020. This audio talks a lot about how the restaurant industry is struggling even in the wintertime and it talks about a restaurant in Idaho that is struggling with the winter season and the lockdown. It has to be shut down for two months and hoping that on the first weekend in June they will reopen but also their business went downhill when the pandemic as their restaurant dropped 75% but it got worse as they dropped about 50% and the cold weather has just really hit. So this last week, they dropped down about 25% right now. The purpose of this article/audio is to tell the people who are reading the article or listening to the audio how around the wintertime and plus the lockdown with the pandemic the restaurant industry is struggling a lot and it a challenge for the restaurant owner to keep their business running and not to lose business and it also tells us a story how a restaurant in Idaho was struggling to keep their business running due to the pandemic lockdown and the winter season with their percent dropping for 75% to 50% and now with about 25% right now. 

Entry 4: Lulu Garcia (June 14, 2020) “22-year-old business owner on opening a restaurant during a pandemic”


This article tells how a 22-year-old name’s Sohal opened his own restaurant during a pandemic in March as it was his hope and dream to open his own restaurant as he woke up one morning and he thinks that we can find a positive in this and his business of this restaurant is doing well as the recalculations were significant because they have a lot of support to help them out in their restaurant business. The emotional toll this has taken with the owner of the restaurant is that it was definitely learned the make-or-break moments. As it kinda extremely emotionally taxing and he feels blessed enough to have a main chef being his mother and he can’t complain. The most important question is what is on the menu in his restaurant which is traditional Indian foods with food called crabby fries on their menu. The reason for this article was to show how someone opens his own restaurant even in the pandemic as he explains how it was like opening his own restaurant and it can be helpful for people who are unsure if they want to open their own restaurant because of the pandemic that is still happening today. 

In conclusion, I did a lot of research on the restaurant industry and business and I learned a lot about how the restaurant industry is going in the pandemic and why the restaurant business is struggling in the pandemic. Also, it helps people who are wondering is a go idea to open a restaurant right now because the pandemic happened and they don’t want to get other people sick but it is seen like it could be a good idea to open your own restaurant even in the pandemic as it can help people still positive and the restaurant industry is one of the best industry that can make a lot of money in this business.