As we wrap up the end of the semester, I feel that I could have done better in this class but what I have learned myself in this ENG class was how to write properly with some of the writing assignments as these 3 projects were important to do as recall doing project #1 and do a lot of research for project #2 as in my first project was interesting and helpful for me to speak up why I am struggling with remote learning as I prefer to be learning in first person in my City tech as I was not used to the remote learning as I thing to go back to normal with me just going back to school and meeting my professor in first person and I hope everything good for me next semester.

For my project #2, it is kinda hard as I need to research a lot about the restaurant industry and how restaurant owners as dealing with the pandemic lockdown as some restaurants have to go into lockdown and close their doors, and restaurant workers lose their job as due to the pandemic people who loving for a job are scared to get sick from the pandemic but these restaurant owners are not giving up on their business even trying to think of some creative way to keep their business going and not to lose their business.

My third project was addressed the same subject but necessitated the development of a genre when I writing project 3 I was reflecting on it as I see how I did I was trying to use my imagination and creativity to create something relevant to my project 3, After finishing this final assignment, I noticed improvements in my writing in terms of first knowing the framework of what I’m doing and then writing at a higher level. However, I was afraid to seek further feedback and ask questions, and I still notice this issue sometimes, but I am eager to improve now that I realize how critical it is to have all crucial resources in front of you.

What I discovered about myself as a writer this is always an opportunity for improvement for next semester as I feel like my work on these projects was okay but I feel like I could do a little better than what I did for these projects. For the next semester, I am motivated to continue to grow and advance. This course has provided me with knowledge on how to do research, format an essay, and develop a sentence structure, all of which will benefit me in my future courses and future career in terms of being detail-oriented, establishing a structure, and improving my writing ability.

Project 1:

Project 2:

Project 3: