Almost done” by Rvs1966 via Flickr CC BY-ND 2.0

And here we are, Tuesday, December 21st. I’ve seen lots of activity on our site, and so much interesting work submitted. If you submitted something and aren’t sure about it, let me know and we can talk via Zoom one last time so you can change it if necessary. If you’re still working, keep it going! Today is the deadline because we all want to put this semester behind us, but if this seems like an impossibility, please reach out–we don’t have very many options, but there are a couple and we should consider them carefully. If you want to talk, it doesn’t need to be at our regular student support hours times–I can be flexible and work with you when you need it, within reason.

I said it in class last week, and I’ll re-emphasize it here: it was wonderful to work with you all semester long. I learned so much from you, not only through your writing, research, and self-reflection, but from your dedication to your goals and your resilience–or attempts at resilience–in the face of what I imagine has been one of the hardest times to be a student or a person. If I can ever be a resource for you, whether right now as you finish this semester, throughout your years at City Tech, or after, please know that I welcome your reaching out.

I wish you all a peaceful, relaxing, nourishing winter break, and a powerful, energetic, and transformative Spring 2022 semester.