This topic caught my attention from the moment I determined that event management was something I was enthusiastic about and wanted to learn more about the profession. It’s crucial to have some helpful tips and realistic expectations while choosing a professional path, so here is some helpful information to keep in mind if you decide to pursue event planning. I’ve done some research and gathered the major essential skills and characteristics a future event planner should have.

SKILL #1: Customer Relationship

The source I’ve picked is unique and useful in that it clearly displays the benefits of strong customer service abilities. What is the significance of this skill? It is undeniably one of the most important abilities to have in any industry, but let us go further into it. When this skill is completely recognized and utilized, the result is a long-term profitable business with long-term customer loyalty, which has a significant impact on revenue as well as the employer’s mental health. It is important to have a healthy work atmosphere in order to do everyday chores without stress and to improve your creativity, especially when it comes to event organizing. I have found interesting statistics the source has provided with backup information as well.

  •  96% of customers say customer service is important in their choice of loyalty to a brand.
  • Customers switching companies due to poor service costs U.S. companies a total of $1.6 trillion.
  • The top reason customers switch brands is because they feel unappreciated.
  • Loyal customers are five times more likely to purchase again and four times more likely to refer a friend to the company.

SKILL #2: Adoptability

The source I have used to understand how important it is to be flexible and cope with new changes is a great example of adaptability. The article demonstrates the several approaches that employees used to speed up the reopening of the event industry. As events have gotten more outdoor-oriented, the lack of manpower has damaged the industry. Employers began to hire and train new personnel. Employers are given advantages such as health insurance, retirement plans, and signing bonuses, while wages are at an all-time high. Companies may adapt their business strategies in response to the workforce shortage by using new technologies and automation. This is an example of how a firm may adapt to new developments and obtain new ideas to help grow its business, even if things change by the minute. This skill is important in the event industry since people’s views about what they want in their event change all the time, and overall it’s a fantastic skill to master.

SKILL #3: The Four Main Traits 

 A great wedding planner, I believe, is confident, intuitive, clever, and creative and manifests each of those qualities throughout the daily tasks of planning a wedding.

  • Confidence – Organizing events may be stressful and full of contradictory emotions, therefore confidence is essential when making difficult decisions.
  • Creativity –  One of the most important abilities to have is creativity; without it, it would be difficult to deal with event planning.
  • Cleverness – You are being clever when you have to think your way through, around, and beneath an issue in order to solve it within a certain amount of time.
  • Intuition – When your client is unsure of what they want or, in certain cases, does not know how to express their desires, your intuition comes into play. It all comes down to picking up on cues, reading between the lines, and paying attention.


Precepts of successful event organisation

  • Organization skills – Having everything orginized will help you to feel more safe and calm.
  • leadership abilities – Being inspirational for other employees and maintaining a healthy environment.
  •  finding partners/sponsors – Will highly help you creating special events and also gaining popularity.
  • finding team members – Individually planning an event is time consuming and difficult; nevertheless, forming relationships with people will benefit both your business and your mental health.