Want some food for thought? Read “Don’t Eat Before Reading This: A New York chef spills some trade secrets” by Anthony Bourdain, published April 12, 1999, in The New Yorker magazine.

I’ve been saving this article all semester to share with you–actually, from before the start of the semester.

I thought about the article again last week when Tyrah and I were talking about her research on long shifts for restaurant workers, especially because Anthony Bourdain’s writing is so visual that I pictured the kitchens he described as I thought about chefs working long hours most days of the a week.

Take a break from your work and read the article, or save it for another time. If we were in person for class, I’d say read it on your way home from school one day–then perhaps you, too, would be so transported that you would forget you’re in transit and imagine yourself in that kitchen, too.