Work, Work, Work” by Ann Reeves via Flickr CC BY-ND 2.0

Class Info

  • Dates: Wednesday, 11/10-Tuesday, 11/16
  • Meeting Info:
    • For the other class meeting time, which would have been 100 minutes long, you will do your work throughout the week asynchronously, on your own time. This work and homework are indistinguishable but all contribute to your informal work for the semester.
    • Work will be due during the week as noted in the weekly agenda, usually with Monday mornings as a deadline to join a discussion so we all have time to read an respond to each other.


ENG 1101 Project #2: Reflective Annotated Bibliography


  • To continue to develop topics for Project #2: Reflective Annotated Bibliography
  • To engage with readings that will help us explore our topics
  • To develop our research skills
  • To continue to build our glossary

To Do This Week

Work on and submit a draft of your annotated bibliography


If you are working on your research and annotations, great–you’re on track! If you are stuck, that’s part of the process, too. Please reach out to me if you want/need my help to get through whatever is making you stuck (post a comment here, send me an email. Yes come to student support hours/office hours, but maybe don’t wait until Tuesday, so comment or email will be better). I’m here for you if you want to work together on developing your topic, research question, search terms, research methods, or annotated bibliography.



  • Continue working on your annotated bibliographies. When you have a draft you’re ready to get feedback on, share it as a post using the category ENG 1101 Project #2 Posts (keep scrolling through the list of categories–it’s there!). In class, we said that everyone would aim to submit the draft by Sunday, 11/14. That will allow me to share feedback in class on Tuesday.
  • Add another entry to our shared glossary (according to the glossary instructions). Think if thereā€™s a word from our current readings or from your research that you want to add. Remember, you’re posting 10 glossary entries for ENG 1101 this semester!