WHERE IS YOUR PASSION” by Chris Lasher CC BY 2.0

Dates: Wednesday, 10/27-Tuesday, 11/2

For the synchronous sessions, we will meet on Tuesday, 11/2, 12:00-1:40pm via Zoom and share notes in a shared document.

Thank you again for your support in class on Tuesday! Apologies for the delay in sharing this agenda.

Here is a very simplified agenda to help you continue your work on Project #2: Reflective Annotated Bibliography:

  • keep brainstorming about your topic for Project #2
  • search for materials about your topic either in the library databases, in a specific database, in the New York Times or Wall Street Journal, or separate from the library’s resources, in an internet search or on a website you’re familiar with. Remember that you’re looking for sources that represent a variety of genres.
  • start drafting your annotations about each of the sources you find
  • Be prepared to share in class any of your research findings
  • Add another entry to our shared glossary (according to the glossary instructions). Think if there’s a word from your research you want to add.