Prof. Goodlad HMGT 1101 | Prof. Stewart HMGT 1102 | Prof. Rosen ENG 1101

Reflection 10/26, HMGT 1101

Why is it important to meet with an academic advisor? Write two questions that you would ask your academic advisor.


  1. Jeffrey Vegas

    I think it is important to talk with your academic advisor so that you know what to do after your semester. In addition its good to know what to expect from the classes that are in the future.
    One question that I would like to ask is if culinary 1 requires to buy equipment like knives, jackets, etc.
    Another question I would like to ask is what kind of languages I can study in the future?

  2. Guadalupe Saraie Campos

    The importance of meeting with an academic advisor is to help you keep track of which courses you need to take during each semester in order to stay on track for graduation and to guide you in your major . Question that I might ask my advisor are :
    What would it be like if I was to transfer to another college ?
    What opportunities at my current college should I take advantage of?

  3. Erick Panama

    It’s Important to meet with an advisor because they can answer question that we as students may have and help us. Two questions that I may have for my academic advisor is what classes I may need to take to stay on track, another would be what should I be expecting in my future courses that I have to take.

  4. Tarynn Smith

    It’s important to meet with your academic advisor so you can receive answers to any questions you might have about your major, courses, or your future career.
    1. What are some career choices I have with this major?
    2. Are there any minors that would be beneficial to my career path?

  5. Jason Wu

    I think is it important to meet your academic advisor because it can help you if you need to figure out what your courses will be and help you with your major and your future career.

    1. What if I don’t like the major I’m taking right now can I transfer to a different major?
    2. How do I know if I want to continue on the major I’m in right now or transfer to a different one?

  6. ia Macharashvili

    Academic advising is one of the many options a student has to thrive in college, comprehend where he or she stands, and what can be done to overcome challenges, among many other things. I’d ask my advisor the following questions: what could provide me with the best experience for my major?
    What are some of the web pages that I should bookmark and keep an eye on?

  7. Shakhzoda Obidova

    It’s important to meet with your academic advisor because they will offer the important reliable informations about your courses, you’ll get answers to questions you have about your major, career and classes and to make sure you are staying on tract for graduation.Two questions I have that I would ask my academic advisor are :
    -what electives does he suggest I should take?
    -and what are the degree requirements for my major ?

  8. Lre Collymore

    I think it is important to meet with your advisor because they can provide you insight of where you stand when it comes to graduation status and credits.

    1. What are the risks of changing majors?
    2. Are there any other classes that would benefit me in my major?

  9. Maria Isabel Gonzalez

    One of the reasons as to why it is important to meet up with an academic advisers, is for the change of our schedules. They have most of the answers we are looking for. some of that questions I would ask are
    1. what is the elective difference between an associates and a bachelor degree?
    2. Should I continue my studies after I finish my bachelors? Is it suggested?

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