Jack’s homework 1.2 part 3

It doesn’t show, I suppose. Posted on openprocessing.

Link: http://www.openprocessing.org/sketch/88184

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Jack’s homework 1.2 part 2

//Jack Tan/Week 1.2/ 2-4-2013/ Assignment part 2

size(400,400);//make a 400×400 square
fill(255,0,0); //makes red square
noStroke(); //no black outline
rect(0,0, 200, 200); //make 1st square at upper left corner
fill(0,255,0); //make green square
noStroke(); //no black outline
rect(200,0, 200, 200); //make 2nd square at upper right corner

fill(0,0,255); //make blue square
noStroke(); //Gets rid of the black outline
rect(0,200, 200, 200); //make 3rd square at lower left corner

fill(116,116,116); //make gray square
noStroke(); //Gets rid of the black outline
rect(200,200, 200, 200); //make 4th square at lower right corner

fill(255,255,255,200); //make white circle. Fourth value makes the circle transparent
strokeWeight(3); //makes the black border thicker
stroke(0); //the border around the circle
ellipse(width/2, height/2, 100, 100); //make ellipse

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Homework 1.2 Part 3

Embedding doesn’t seem to be working but here’s the link to my sketch


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Homework 1.2 Part 2

/*Michelle Li
Calli Higgins
Week 1.2 part 2
February 4th, 2013*/

//canvas size
size(400, 400); //makes the 400×400 window

//Red Square
fill(255,0,0); //Makes the square red
noStroke(); //Gets rid of the black outline
rect(0,0, 200, 200); //creates the square on the upper left corner

//Green Square
fill(0,255,0); //Makes the square green
noStroke(); //Gets rid of the black outline
rect(200,0, 200, 200); //creates the square on the upper right corner

//Green Square
fill(0,0,255); //Makes the square blue
noStroke(); //Gets rid of the black outline
rect(0,200, 200, 200); //creates the square on the lower left corner

//Gray Square
fill(116,116,116); //Makes the square gray
noStroke(); //Gets rid of the black outline
rect(200,200, 200, 200); //creates the square on the lower right corner

//Center circle
fill(255,255,255,200); //Makes the circle white. Fourth value makes the circle transparent
strokeWeight(3); //makes the black border thicker
stroke(0); //the border around the circle
ellipse(width/2, height/2, 100, 100); //creates the circle in the center

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Chris Pro Homework 1.2 part 2

//Chris Pro Assignment 1.2

//window size

//top left red square

//top right green square

//bottom left blue square

//bottom right grey square

//centered transparent circle with black outline

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Homework 1.2 part 3 revised

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Homework 1.2 part 3 Revised.

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Homework 1.2 part 2 – 2/5/13

//Jad Atoui. Prof: Calli Higgins . Due 2/5/13 . Assignment 1.2 part 2
size(400,400);// sets the size of the window
noStroke();//shape has no outline
fill(255,0,0);//set red color
rect(0,0,200,200);//insert first rectangle
fill(0,255,0);//insert green color
rect(200,0,200,200);//insert second rectangle
fill(0,0,255);//insert blue color
rect(0,200,200,200);//insert third rectangle
fill(144,143,143);//grey color
rect(200,200,200,200);//insert fourth rect
strokeWeight(4);//thickness of the line around the circle
stroke(0);//black line around the circle
fill(255,255,255,210);//transparent circle
ellipse(200,200,100,100);//insert circle


// Assignment 1.2 part 3

float a = 0.0;
float inc = TWO_PI/50;
float prev_x = 0, prev_y = 300, x, y;
size(800, 600);

for(int i=0; i<800; i=i+4) {
x = i;
y = 300 + sin(a) * 80.0 + random(4);
line(prev_x, prev_y, x, y);
prev_x = x;
prev_y = y;
a = a + inc;

color red = color(255,0,0);
prev_x = 0;
prev_y = 300;
for(int i=0; i<800; i=i+4) {
x = i;
y = 300 + cos(a) * 80.0 + random(random(2));
line(prev_x, prev_y, x, y);
prev_x = x;
prev_y = y;
a = a + inc;

ellipse(200,100 , 75, 75);
ellipse(200,100, 25, 25);

ellipse(600,100 , 75, 75);
ellipse(600,100, 25, 25);


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homework 1.2 part 3

It looks like I have trouble uploading my picture but I will post the code so at least you know I did it.

//Thomas Wu-Prof.Calli Higgins-2/1/13-Assignment 1.2-pt3
size(200,200);//size change
background(18,113,10); //color change.
rectMode(CENTER);//rectangle center.

//constructing Cyborg body.
rect(100,100,30,100);// inserting rectangle.

//constructing cyborg head.
fill(0,255,0);//ellipse color.
ellipse(100,70,60,60);//ellipse positioning.

//Constructing Cyborg eyes.
fill(209,17,11);//eye color.
ellipse(81,70,5,32);//first eye.
ellipse(119,70,20,32);//second eye.

//Constructing Cyborg legs.
stroke(9,34,108);//color for legs.
line(90,150,80,160);//first leg.
line(110,150,120,160);//second leg.

//constructing Cyborg arms.

println(“destruction to the ignoramous planet Earth”);

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homework 1.2 part 2

//Thomas Wu-Prof. Calli Higgins-2/1/13-Assignment 1.2

size(400,400);//sets window size
ellipseMode(CENTER); //set ellipse to center mode
noStroke();//shape has no outline
fill(255,0,0);//set red color
rect(0,0,200,200);//uno rectangle
fill(0,0,255);//set color blue
rect(0,200,200,200);//2nd rectangle
fill(0,255,0);//set color green
rect(200,0,200,200);//3rd rectangle
fill(113,121,115);//Set color to grey
rect(200,200,200,200);//4th rectangle
stroke(0);//stroke color black
fill(255,255,255,200);//set color to white
strokeWeight(4);//sets the line to 4 pixels
ellipse(200,200,100,100);//sets ellipse

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