Homework 1.2 Part 2

/*Michelle Li
Calli Higgins
Week 1.2 part 2
February 4th, 2013*/

//canvas size
size(400, 400); //makes the 400×400 window

//Red Square
fill(255,0,0); //Makes the square red
noStroke(); //Gets rid of the black outline
rect(0,0, 200, 200); //creates the square on the upper left corner

//Green Square
fill(0,255,0); //Makes the square green
noStroke(); //Gets rid of the black outline
rect(200,0, 200, 200); //creates the square on the upper right corner

//Green Square
fill(0,0,255); //Makes the square blue
noStroke(); //Gets rid of the black outline
rect(0,200, 200, 200); //creates the square on the lower left corner

//Gray Square
fill(116,116,116); //Makes the square gray
noStroke(); //Gets rid of the black outline
rect(200,200, 200, 200); //creates the square on the lower right corner

//Center circle
fill(255,255,255,200); //Makes the circle white. Fourth value makes the circle transparent
strokeWeight(3); //makes the black border thicker
stroke(0); //the border around the circle
ellipse(width/2, height/2, 100, 100); //creates the circle in the center

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