chris pro homework 4.2

above is a link to my smile face where now when you click a picture will appear

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Midterm Idea


I was thinking of a slot machine idea.. when the user presses a key to spin the slots n match up the pictures or numbers .. but instead of slots it would be tiles.

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HW 4.2 part 1

** Added Image

** change the sun into a boolean

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HW 4.2.2 Midterm Project Idea


This is my idea so far, there’s more Im sure I’d want to do, but this is what I’ve come up with so far. I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Concept for Midterm Project:

A visual seasonal calendar.
You type in the month of year and a scene pops up to depict the season or the complimenting season. I’d like to use a combination of images and graphics. One image and graphical representation per season.

printline Type in month or season
{If month is December, January, February, or season is winter
scene will be winter wonderland
if scene is wonderland and mouseDragged snow will fall
if keyPressed scene becomes summer image}
{if month is March, April, May, or season is spring
scene will be spring scene
if scene is spring and mouseDragged rain falls
if scene is spring and mouseClicked rain stops and sun comes out
if keyPressed scene shows fall image}
{if month June, July, August, or season is summer
scene will be summer scene
if scene is summer and right mouseclicked scene becomes night with 4th of july fireworks
if scene is summer and left mouse clicked scene is beach scene
if keyPressed scene shows winter image}
{if month is September, October, November, or the season is fall or autumn
scene will be fall scene
if scene is fall and mouseDragged wind blows leaves from trees
else if keyPressed scene shows spring image}

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chris pro homework 4.1

//had some problems with my third square not changing colors and couldnt figure it out


//Chris Pro homework 4-1

int squaresX = 100;
int y1 = 50;
int y2 = 100;
int y3 = 150;
int squaresW = 45;
int squaresH = 45;
int speed = 1;
int state = 1;
boolean colorChange;
boolean freeze;
boolean click1;
boolean click2;
boolean click3;

void setup() {


void draw(){
if (state==1){
else if(state==2){

if (freeze){
squaresX = squaresX;
squaresX = squaresX + speed;
fill (249,35,250);
rect(squaresX, y1, squaresW, squaresH);
rect(squaresX, y2, squaresW, squaresH);
rect(squaresX, y3, squaresW, squaresH);

if(squaresX+squaresW > width){
speed=speed * -1;
else if(squaresX < 0){
speed=speed * -1;



void mousePressed(){
if(mouseX > squaresX && mouseX < squaresX + squaresW && mouseY > y1 && mouseY < y1 + squaresH){
freeze = !freeze;
click1 = true;
if(mouseX > squaresX && mouseX < squaresX + squaresW && mouseY > y2 && mouseY < y2 + squaresH){
speed = speed * -1;
click2 = true;
if(mouseX > squaresX && mouseX < squaresX + squaresW && mouseY > y3 && mouseY < y3 + squaresH){
colorChange = colorChange;
click3 = true;

if(!click1 && !click2 && !click3){
state = state +1;

state = 1;


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Nafis Sabir HW 4.2.1

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Jad Atoui – Homework 4.2 part 1

// Jad Atoui . Homework 4.2 part 1 . Due 2/26/13



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midterm project ide

i was thinking of like a tennis type of game..but im not sure yet.It will probably come out with another  idea that will replace it once we learn other things.

IDEA : TENNIS interaction

-ball bounces from pad to wall  to random places

-user has to move the mouse on the x and y hit the wall back.“““

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Harry Attilio 4.2 part 2

picture match game.

I want to make a picture match game where people have to find where the user has to locate and match the same picture. if they do not find the matching picture then the game restarts.


3×3 grid of pictures

click button

restart if not the same


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Noah Ruede – Midterm project idea

Subject to change as it’s kind of dumb and juvenile as something tells me I could do better.

There would be two buttons on the bottom, one with a forward arrow and the other with a back arrow.   The user would use these buttons to navigate through a number of images of people’s faces. There would be buttons on the side to change the brush size and color.  It’d essentially be a drawing program, except it would be geared at giving people mustaches.

An outline of the steps:

There would be a mousedrag function to create the drawing function using an ellipse.

There would be a mousepress section for when the user clicks any of the given buttons:

For the arrows: a state for each image; clicking the forward button would add 1 to the state, and the back button would do the opposite.  It would also activate a state which would essentially reload the image, eliminating the previous drawing.

Color: each of the color buttons would change the color of the ellipse being dragged.

Size: each of the size buttons would change the size of the ellipse being dragged.


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