Chris Pro Midterm project

i tried making tic tac toe but it was a bit harder then expected

what i couldnt figure out how to do was simply go from one click to the next with either an X or an O. i tried making 2 clicks then when it goes to the third click it will reset back to click 1 and i thought this was supposed to work, but it was poping up with either an X an O or both sort of randomly in the boxes. so i re did it and now its more of a tutorial how to play the game and pressing any key will clear the board

heres the link:

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Lousy Midterm

Hope it shows on the blog post. I’ve had a lot of help with this, since I’m so lousy with the whole coding aspect. But I managed to get the ball to bounce off the top and bottom like I’ve been struggling with. The framerate thing is new to me too. I can’t get it to keep score or stop when it goes pass the paddles, so I’ll just keep it as a never-ending game.
A little more in depth as to what my project was meant to be. I was trying to make the classic game of “pong”. I ended up with a horrible rendition of it. If there was anything I would change, it would probably be a proper way to make a background, an autostop for each score made. But other than that, with my level, I’m quite surprised that I ended up with this. I definitely learned something from this.

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Noah Ruede – Midterm

Note: The Program doesn’t embed properly, and even on openprocessing they cars don’t display, so below the program I posted a picture of how the program actually looks.  When you open it externally, you might need to refresh it and/or just wait for all the images to load.

I set out to create a working game of Frogger.  For the most part, I was successful, but not without some difficulty.  As it stands, it’s a fully functioning game.  There are a few issues I’d like to resolve once I know more about processing.  For one, I could only figure out how to essentially make the rows of cars bounce back and forth.  I’m not sure if it’s obvious, but that means the cars don’t reverse direction, so they essentially just go forward and backward across the screen. I’d also like to include the turtles from the original Frogger game; it would have been a challenge to have them submerge and emerge repeatedly without more experience with Processing.  If I had more time, I’d have put more effort into making it a little more visually appealing, but that’s something I can work on for the final project if I decide to continue with this project.

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just in case the background images doesnt pop up just click on the link below,


,because I know the images does work on openprocessing

here is how to control the yellow ball \/ \/ \/





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Midterm Project – Jad Atoui – Sampler

//Midterm Project – Jad Atoui – Sampler

int LENGTH = 3;
String BASE_FILENAME = “sample”;

int[] statuses = new int[LENGTH];
Movie[] sounds = new Movie[LENGTH];
PImage pauseIcon;
PImage playIcon;

int offset = 600;
int[] sliderY = new int[LENGTH];

void setup() {
//This is a for loop that load the 3 samples and initialises the status to 0 .
for(int i=0; i < LENGTH; i++) {
//files[i] = BASE_FILENAME+ String.valueOf(i) +”.wav”;
sounds[i] = new Movie (this, BASE_FILENAME + String.valueOf(i) +”.wav”);
statuses[i] = 0;
sliderY[i] = 365;
// here load the pause and play icons
println(“we are done”);
playIcon = loadImage(“play.png”);
pauseIcon = loadImage(“pause.png”);
colorMode(RGB, 100);

void draw() {
// draw ALL the buttons and the sliders for each sound – spacing icons and on off button
void drawInterface() {
for(int i=0; i < LENGTH; i++) {
int x = i*140 + offset;
int y = offset;
//differciaion of the buttons
void drawButton(int index, int x, int y) {
if(statuses[index] == 1) {
else {

void mouseDragged(){
// if(mouseX >= x && mouseX <= x+rectW && mouseY>= y && mouseY<=Y+rectH){

for(int i=0; i < LENGTH; i++) {
if(mouseX >= (offset+20+140*i) && mouseX <= (offset+80+140*i) ) {
sliderY[i]= mouseY;
sliderY[i] = constrain(sliderY[i],200,530);

float speed = map(sliderY[i],200,530,0.0,2.0);


void drawSlider(int index, int x, int y) {


//draw the slider button
void drawIcon(int index, int status) {

void mousePressed() {

// if(mouseX >= offset && mouseX <= (140+offset) && mouseY >= offset && mouseY <= offset+101) {
// toggleSound(0);
// }
// else if(mouseX >= offset && mouseX <= (140*2+offset) && mouseY >= offset && mouseY <= offset+101) {
// toggleSound(1);
// }
// else if(mouseX >= offset && mouseX <= (140*3+offset) && mouseY >= offset && mouseY <= offset+101) {
// toggleSound(2);
// }

void keyPressed() {
if(key == ‘f’)
else if(key == ‘g’) {
else if(key == ‘h’) {

//This funtion toggle the sound on and off depending on the status
void toggleSound(int index) {
if(statuses[index] == 0) {

statuses[index] = 1;
else {
statuses[index] = 0;

My sketch uses the Video library to play sounds and that didn’t work on openprocessing .

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HW 6.2.2

So far it’s just a basic calendar that displays the current date based on your computer’s date and the background changes color randomly according to date. It’s working in java but not in javascript for some reason. I have to figure that out.

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draft v.1

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Noah Ruede – Midterm Progress

This will eventually be frogger. I’ve setup most if not all of my variables, and the square (eventually a frog) can be moved with the arrow keys.
The lines indicate sections.
From bottom to top: Beginning, Car 1, Car 2, Car 3, Middle, Log 1, Log 2, Log 3, Goal.
I’ll be working on images to load in, and will just need help generating infinite cars and logs.’

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My Midterm

I have created a sidescrolling kind of shooting game where “meteorites” come at you and you have to shoot them before they reach the other side of the screen. there are different levels and the meteorites get faster and smaller as the levels get harder….

There is also music that plays as the theme and the laser makes a sound whenever you shoot it, as well as the meteorites when they are destroyed…

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Mid-Term Help for anyone that needs it…..

I’m pretty much finished with my Mid-term and if anyone of you need help with yours, I’m available to help you out…. just shoot me an email and I’ll get back to you….

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