Author Archives: QKir

Assignment 2: News article graph


This article is from a report that appears on Yahoo!Finance on October 13, 2016. In this article the reporter discusses an analysts argument that stock prices will continue to increase. The analyst points to several factors such as; companies being more efficient at generating more free cash, a lower than normal volatility amount stocks, the various sectors are reasonably priced, and the return on capital is higher than that of highly rated bonds. The chart pictured above was used to display the comparison of the total shareholder yield of stock on the S&P  500 with that of a 20 year BAA corporate bond yield.

Statistics and my career


As and electrical engineer technician math plays a key roll as the numerical values of components and systems are important for proper operation. Whenever a system fails it will need to be fixed, which is accomplished by the act of troubleshooting. The troubleshooting process can be benefited by using statistics. Statistic provides a mean for determining the probability of a parts likelihood of failure, which can speed up the troubleshooting process.