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Graph Assignment 2

mta_0This  graph shows the increase of MTA fare from  1904 to 2015, and it really seemed interesting to me, since I really wanted to know more about how was the price of the MTA fare in the past compared to now.  As we can see this graph is a bar graph that shows the price per trip, and in the x-axis we see the years and in the y-axis we see the fare rate. I went to the website and they gave me more information about this cool graph and it was quite saddening to see that prices were very less expensive and now the prices went up out of nowhere.

This link above is the site where I got my graph from and it tells a lot of detailed information about the rise of the MTA fare.


Math 1190 Graph Assignment # 2



While looking for newspapers articles with graphs. I found the article on  The article talks about the solar wind and other green energy sources had a leap in investments last years. That 17 percent worldwide is reversing two years of decline.

The link is


MAT 1190 Quantitative Reasoning(2015)

imageWhile searching for a newspaper article I ran across this very interesting article which also had attached. The article titled ” Data points to behavioral health as a growing challenge for pediatrician’s “, Written by Iyve Sung informed readers about the research with Athena health.

for those who may not know Athena health is an American company that provides cloudbase services for electronic health records and more. This research explains that weather mental health conditions are becoming more common medical community is paying more attention to thembehave real health is becoming A greater component of the pediatrician’s workflow. Although pediatricians well for many patients to specialist, the front mine for diagnosis is still the pediatric practice.

this bargraph was used in this article to show the prevalence of increased mental health diagnosis for pediatricians on anthenaNet. From July 2009 through June 2010, 8.1% of visits with children ages 6 to 17 involves a mental health diagnosis.three years later that rate increase to 10.5%, a proportional rise of 29%.

On the Y axis of this bar graph shows the preset pediatrician visit. On the X axis of this bargraph Shows The visits by patient’s age 6 to 17 in the month of July 2009 to June 2010, July 2010 to June 2011, July 2011 to June 2012 , And July 2012 to June 2013.







How mathematics relates to my career

While going to City Tech my major and also my choosen career is to become a Dental   Hygienist. Dental Hygienists must clean patients teeth which consists of removing plaque and tartar. Mathematics relates to my career because dental hygienists use it every day in there working field. For example hygienists must be able to add, subtract, dividew, and multiply. Many hygienists assist such as the patients bills or insurance claims. They must be able to calculate the amount of material needed for a specific job based on the standard mixture.
Most dental programs require hygienists to master beginning or intermediate algebra. A limited amount of algebra is necessary to solve equations related to the job. For example, when setting and operating an X-ray machine, it may be necessary to solve an equation comparing film density and exposure time, magnification, or the ratio of exposures to distances.


Math and my career

2015-02-10 23.39.21My major is Paralegal Studies and in the future I want to be an advocate. Lawyers use math everyday as they perform many tasks such as structuring a case like a geometric proof. First, I will start with all
the given facts, then go on stating the relevant laws and precedents that
relate to the case. Then I have to make my argument based on these facts
using reasoned logic, exactly as if I were doing a mathematical
proof. Not just only in my job field I will need math, but I will also need math in my everyday life as well, for example purchasing items and looking out for the best sale, measuring the exact ingredients to cook a good homemade meal.