Monthly Archives: February 2015

How Math Relates to My Career!

Hey everyone! My name is Markella, and my major is Fashion Marketing. I’ve been having some trouble with posting in my open lab, but I’ve finally gotten it to work!

I’m interested in the marketing/advertising and business side of things.. so numbers play an important role in my pursuing my major. Numbers are important, because they’re used in statistics for marketing, advertising and sales. Business itself is based off of numbers.. constantly adding and subtracting.. multiplying and dividing. On the fashion side of things, numbers relate to sizing, quantity, and all things of that nature!

How does math relate to my career

imageThe career path I’m pursuing is nursing. I want to become an RN in the pediatrics field because I love to work with children. Math has a lot to do with this career, I will have to use different amount of dosages of medicine for the children based on their age and their height and weight.

How does math relate to my major

I am currently majoring in fashion marketing and hope to one day open my own clothing boutique . With math i will have to learn how to calculate my profits that i earn in the boutique and  also need to know how to calculate the money that i will need to make a profit .boutique

How is Math related to my major?

I’m majoring in Entertainment Technology. I’ll have to apply quantitative Reasoning in my Live entertainment classes, and once I start working outside for the live shows, and stuff. I’ll have to use it everywhere I go, even if it’s not related to my career.

How Math Lives With Me by Miss Krystin Clark

I have big dreams of owning a business one day. I’m spending this time preparing for that dream to come true. Right now, math and I spend all day, every Monday and Wednesday together. It follows me to lunch as monitor my daily calorie intake. And it waits patiently as I complete my work day and proceed to complete all monetary duties before clock out time. Though math and I are cordial, I’m looking forward to creating an everlasting relationship, so when my business dreams come true, I can sit back and relax and count my millions…



How math relates to my career.

As a hospitality management major, math is very much intertwined. Weather it be recipe conversion or measurement on the restaurant aspect or accounting on the hotel aspect, math is a vital part in the success of any hospitality establishment. If you are using a recipe that serves 60 people but your only serving 25 people and there is an error in your recipe conversion, you stand to waste time and resources resulting in a loss in money. For accounting, numbers need to be precise to ensure that a company is minimizing their losses while maximizing their profits. One mistake could lead to several mishaps, which then again will only lead to an increase in money lost.


How mathematics relates to my career

While going to City Tech my major and also my choosen career is to become a Dental   Hygienist. Dental Hygienists must clean patients teeth which consists of removing plaque and tartar. Mathematics relates to my career because dental hygienists use it every day in there working field. For example hygienists must be able to add, subtract, dividew, and multiply. Many hygienists assist such as the patients bills or insurance claims. They must be able to calculate the amount of material needed for a specific job based on the standard mixture.
Most dental programs require hygienists to master beginning or intermediate algebra. A limited amount of algebra is necessary to solve equations related to the job. For example, when setting and operating an X-ray machine, it may be necessary to solve an equation comparing film density and exposure time, magnification, or the ratio of exposures to distances.

How Math Relates To My Career

When you’re a sales person mathematics plays a very important role in acquiring money. Developing a statistical level of thinking will enable me to know when its the right time to sell a certain product based on the market but also when not to sell products. Having a higher lever of mathematical understanding will help me know how to understand how to predict a businesses future based on statistics that they have from the past. That edge can allow me to propose a product to avoid a unwanted outcome gaining me extra commission.

How Math relates to my career.

I am currently persuading a career in Human Services. However my plan is to have a social worker or child therapist degree. People might think that just because this career has to do with people’s emotions or problems math is something that is not required. But I can say that math reasoning is very important when you are persuading a  career like human services. Reasoning is used when clients do surveys in surveys in order to see their feelings or concerns. In addition, reasoning and probability is used when the social worker detect what is happening to the client even if he or she do not want to tell the social worker. As we can see, math is used every day at every moment, that is why it is important to learn and do what we can on this class.


Math and my career

2015-02-10 23.39.21My major is Paralegal Studies and in the future I want to be an advocate. Lawyers use math everyday as they perform many tasks such as structuring a case like a geometric proof. First, I will start with all
the given facts, then go on stating the relevant laws and precedents that
relate to the case. Then I have to make my argument based on these facts
using reasoned logic, exactly as if I were doing a mathematical
proof. Not just only in my job field I will need math, but I will also need math in my everyday life as well, for example purchasing items and looking out for the best sale, measuring the exact ingredients to cook a good homemade meal.