Writing for the Public

Category: Unit 2 (Page 5 of 54)

Final draft ( The darker side of fast fashion)

 The darker side of fast fashion

By Keysha Lopez

Fast fashion, loose ethics: the real cost of cheap clothing

            I always liked to have cute outfits and as a teenager I should be informed about what’s happening in the fashion industry. At first I didn’t know anything about fast fashion. I just buy clothes from random stores.  Fashion is important in our  life because we can express ourselves with the clothes we wear.  One example of this is Michelle Obama on inauguration day wearing a beautify outfit of all purple. Michelle creates an outfit with a message and nat only to all the women in the government. This Is happening because some women don’t have a voice and the only way that they can see her opinion is by the clothing they wear. Even if you  like fashion or don’t it is important to know, because every piece of clothing is part of you. 

          Fast fashion plays a good game in our life because it is about making trendy clothes quick, cheap, and disposable. With that being said people are able to archive to get the clothing they want because fast fashion creates replicas of expensive clothing or brands and sells it for cheap. The way that fast fashion gets the clothing is with several retailers that are able to look at the runways and make garments really quickly. Most of the people buy from fast fashion brands and they don’t even know. During the past years this has been a big problem for not only workers rights But also the environment because it is causing Pollution to the earth.

We all should consider what is happening with fast fashion as a problem because we all cause this problem by spending a lot of money on clothing that you will only wear one time. I’m not saying that you should not buy from fast fashion brands because most of the people don’t have enough money to buy clothing with good quality. It’s all dependent on you if you want to buy a clothes that is cheap but with no quality. Instead of  buying expensive clothing  but with good quality. But people should be informed about the working condition that those workers are exposed to and the bad salary. Also that we are hurting our planet without even knowing. The way that we look is important to all humans on the earth because we are able to express ourselves. Every piece that we wear says something about you. That’s why fashion is important nowadays. In general people want to look good or have a cute outfit to take pictures and post on social media. 

Not everything is beautiful as it appears. According to a fashion historian Tim Gunn,  “Fast fashion is also about, when we say fast it’s not gonna last very long.” What it means is that fast fashion clothing is really cheap and it’s clothing that doesn’t have any quality and that’s why it is not gonna last longer than others. One example is a fast fashion store called Shein.com that most of them exist online not in person and in the year 2020. It  had 121% of the fastest growing fast fashion retailer website in the United states. This’s according to statista, Remwe.com as the second one and Zara.com as the third one. What this means is that a lot of people buy from these stores. This also shows that the stores that sell clothing of quality they dont sell a lot of clothes. This Is because people can get the same clothing for a cheap price.  The way of thinking is that most women don’t like to repeat a piece of  clothing. They just focus on the outfit or what is trading on social media. Also this makes the opportunity for people to dress as their favorite influencers. Fast fashion makes replicas with the purpose of selling these clothing. For example Kim Kardashion wears a dress for her birthday in less than 24 hours and fashion nova have the same dress. Kim kardashion has thousands of followers on social media. A lot of people will definitely buy that dress. In 1980 the average of american that bought 12 new clothes every year. But nowadays they buy  68 clothing  every year. This is relevant because the amount of clothing that people buy has changed because of all fast fashion stores that we have nowadays.


People buy from fast fashion stores and don’t even know the working condition of the factory that these companies make the clothing.  One reason why fast fashion is a problem most of our clothes are made in places where worker’s rights are nonexistent, it shows that the terrible working condition in the factory, most of our clothes are made in places where worker’s rights are nonexistent, it tells us that most of the clothes we wear are made in countries where the rights of citizens are limited. This is important because we have to be aware of what we buy and where the clothes we buy come from. The amount of hours that people work in manufacturing countries is fourteen to sixteen hours per day and they work the seven days of the week. The total amount of hours that they made is around 96 hours per week.  And since that was not enough, the salary is very minimal “ So in summary, these brands are bragging about paying their employees 5 times less than what a person actually needs to live with dignity.” What this demonstrates is that the salary that they pay for those poor people is a pittance compared to what those people work for. This also demonstrated that the salary is so low that they don’t live well. The low price of fast fashion clothing  has this cost. That’s the reason why the prices are so low. Another reason is that  “168 million children in the world are forced to work.” and this happens through the Fashion industry. This is very important because people have to be aware of what is happening in the world and be informed. In particular I didn’t have the slightest idea of what was happening until I started doing this article.


        We are hurting our planet without even knowing. According to Rachel Brow,  each american in the United States throws away 7 million towns of clothing but in the past 20 years this number has doubled to 14 million tons. This is important because most of the people are throwing away all this clothes and only wearing them. “In 2015, textile production created more greenhouse gases than international flights and maritime shipping combined.”   This is very important because the clothes that we put on are doing more damage than the flights that came. The real problem is the fabrics of the clothes are made from.  Only to make the cotton grow to make a jacket takes 10,330 liters of water, and this is equal to 24 years of drinking water for one person.   This is very important because most of these clothes end up in landfills and this is a waste of materials. Imagine all the sacrifice and the worker’s condition that the employee makes to make a piece of clothing to end it up in the landfills.

        A solution for this problem is that we should recycle our clothing or sell it. One way that we can sell our used clothing is to download the poshmark app and start selling the clothes you no longer wear. This is a very good idea instead of throwing out your clothes.Most of the dresses that I am selling in my store I only wore them once for a special occasion and you can also do the same. It can be any type of clothing for both adults and children. An efficient way to sell it faster is by posting it on social networks.This page sells clothes that are used and people them much cheaper than the original price. The price you have is with shipping included. This helps a title  but not to fix the problem. With that being said we should consider what is going on fast fashion and stop buying their clothing. 

      In conclusion we should consent  for people who constantly buy clothes. We had no information base on how and where the clothes are made or the working conditions that the workers undergo. And when we buy these clothes what we do is support the factories that agree to all inhumane working conditions and the damage that is causing to the earth. I decided to talk about this issue because I feel that I need to inform myself and improve and this project helped me to know myself as a person and to know what I really agree with. One of the things was that I really bought excessively fast fashion clothes when I only wear them once. I had no information base on how and where the clothes are made or the working conditions that the workers undergo. And when we buy these clothes what we do is support the factories that agree to all inhumane working conditions. 





https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GF3 bObac






“How can educating yourself on the Trans community help to create positive change?”


        Growing up, do you remember your parents or other family members talking about transgender individuals? If so, this is the paper for you! Now ask yourself, were these conversations ever positive ones? Most likely not, as the stigma surrounding transgender/ gender non conforming individuals is usually negatively received. Which is why this paper is even more imperative for the parents and family in question; it’s essentially a guide on how to be a decent human being and respect others who might just so happens to be different from you. As of 2021 the Trans community is one of the most endangered groups of people in America, more specifically Trans woman of color. So much so that the average life expectancy for a Trans Woman in the US is at an all time low from in between 2020-2021, while hate crimes are at an all time high. Hearing of such cruelties, has led Cis gendered individuals to wonder how they can make good allies and what they need to do in order to insight positive change.

I’m one of those many people who did not grow up in a tolerant household when it came to the topic of being transgender. My family (more specifically my older family) would often say stuff like “i’m okay with gay people, but changing your gender is going too far”. Luckily these conversations and view points never settled on my brain, so often times i would find myself questioning why it was such a big deal or any of their business. Now that i’m older and more aware of the world, i realized that these hateful conversations held in my house and amongst family members were the least of any Transgendered individuals issues and that their very lives were on the line.


        Hate crimes against Transgender individuals isn’t anything new, however unlike most hate crimes that decrease with time, these hate crimes seem to only have increased over the years. It has even more so affected Trans women of color, and these crimes do not seem to be slowing down anytime soon. According to the article Fatal violence against the transgender and gender non conforming community in 2020 by The human Rights Campaign “ Sadly, 2020 has already seen at least 44 transgender or gender non conforming people fatally shot or killed by other violent means, the majority of which were Black and Latino transgender women”. By October 2020, 44 Trans women were murdered by violent means with the majority of which being women of color, they then go on to state “Since HRC began tracking this data in 2013, advocates have never seen such a high number at this point in the year”. This tells us that within the past 7-8 years more Trans women have been killed in 2020 than each year individually. However harassment and bigotry has been affecting the the Transgender community for a very long time.


         In August of 2020, a video circulated of three Trans women that were attacked and harassed in Hollywood(with two of them being Trans women of color). ABC news covered the topic and included a clip of these women sharing their experience, and how traumatizing the whole ordeal was; One of the women goes on to state “Because we are Trans, nobody cares”. ABC news states that in 2017 there were 119 reported crimes against Trans women, and 168 reported hate crimes in 2018. This means that hate crimes increased 42% in only one year, and these numbers have only climbed from them until 2021. What makes this situation all the more troubling is that bystanders either just watched or edged on the assailants and seemingly were in support of these three women being attacked. The transphobia was even seen through social media as many bigots voiced their opinions in the comment section under the video. Furthermore no one provided any aid when one of the women was laid out in the street after being hit in the head with a glass bottle by the alleged assailant. In moments like these it would have benefited those women to have strong allies, not only to stand up for them but to help educate individuals and denote bigotry against transgender/ gender nonconrming individuals. However a lot of people don’t know how to be a good ally, nor do they know how to educate themselves on the Transgender community.


        There are many ways to become a better ally to the Transgender community, however it is important to note that there is no such thing as being the perfect ally. Each transgender or gender non conforming individual has had different experiences, which means they will all have different needs and accommodations. Thus meaning that each individual situation could and most likely will have to be handled differently. According to the text Supporting the transgender people in your life: a guide to being a good ally By The national center for transgender equality, one good way to be an ally would be to interact with transgender people. It is important that you learn how to interact with a transgender individual. This could mean learning about and how to ask for their pronouns, being aware of the questions you ask, respecting their privacy, and trying to avoid stereotypes.

        I luckily have the blessing of having multiple transgender friends, and hearing their experiences and stories were always really eye opening. Though i was always in support of them stepping into their true identity (as i am in the LGBT community as well), i believe it’s also really important to learn new things and take notice to things you wouldn’t have before. Not only did this make me a better ally, but it made me a better person and a better friend.

        Furthermore you can also be a good ally by being outspoken, according to the text you help when you “speak out in support of transgender people and transgender rights”. In doing so you can kindly correct other is they use the wrong pronouns for a Transgender individual, or deadname them (essentially meaning calling them by their pre transition name). You can also speak up against injustice in person and on social media, especially if the issue is as physical as the example given in the first paragraph. 


        One more way to be a good ally would be to remember the basics, as these can help to not only make you comfortable but them also. According to the aforementioned text it is important to remember “You don’t have to understand someone’s identity to respect it….you can’t always tell if someone is transgender by looking at them….there is no one right way to be transgender…” and to “continue to educate yourself”. That last point is very important because not only can you educate yourself by speaking to Transgender individuals but you can also go out and do your own individual research. The most important thing to remember when educating yourself is that you’ll be better educated when you listen to an actual transgender person opposed to a cis individual speaking on their behalf.

         One of the best ways to ensure that there is a definite positive future for Trans youth would be to educate our kids from an early age. In How to teach your kid what Transgender means by Emily Gerson, she states that educating the youth all begins with you. You must be aware of your attitude and biases, along with educating yourself too. “If you (the parent) express that being trans is wrong or something to be ashamed of, even through verbal cues, they’ll notice”. This means that educating the future leaders and adults of the world, begins with educating ourselves and relearning what it truly means to be an ally.


        Though we are still a ways away from being the perfect ally, it is important that we take notice of the issues that the Trans community goes through as it affects us all. The more we educate ourselves and help by defending them against bigotry and hate, the more lives we not only protect but save. Maybe then we can start seeing a decrease in hate crimes against Trans woman and the Trans community as a whole, it all begins with us.







(i attempted putting my three sources into MLA format, however enough information was not provided for me to do so).


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