Writing for the Public

Author: Khia Caze (Page 7 of 9)


Did you know that people that are victims of police brutality have some kind of disability? Recently there have been stories of disabled people, including children that are either assaulted or killed by police and it is not getting any big attention because the word “disabled” is being left out.  I want to share this topic with you because I want to let people know that disabled or not, you or someone you know can be a victim of police brutality.


Half of People Killed by Police Have a Disability: Report

Unit 2 Homework # 1

There are two topics that I want to research and write an article about which are human trafficking and people with disabilities being killed by police. These problems are the biggest issues in society today and it is very upsetting to watch the news about incidents like these such as a teenage girl going missing for days and a police officer shooting a mentally disabled teenager. The first topic I want to research is human trafficking because I want to learn more about them so that I can be aware of my own safety when I’m out in public and I can share information with the community so that they can be aware of it and it is for their safety as well.  Human trafficking is not only a serious problem in the nation, it is a serious problem in my community. Females and children are going missing every week and we have to keep an eye out on everything when we are out of the house. We hear stories about human trafficking on social media and on the news.  Human trafficking isn’t just being sold for sex even though it is a common form among women and girls, it has forms of labor and organ harvesting. People think that they can’t fall into human trafficking Everyone, including males can fall into a victim of human trafficking. This is an important issue and why it needs to be addressed immediately because every day were are seeing missing persons and warnings on our social media feed and on the news. It is affecting communities and it is affecting families by being worried and scared if their loved one is alive or dead.

The second topic is disabled people being killed by police. Recently, I’ve been reading stories and watching videos about the police showing up when they are called to a mental health crisis and end up killing a mentally disabled person by shooting or restraining by sitting on them until they couldn’t breathe anymore. For example, a 19-year-old Asian American Pennsylvanian was shot and killed by Pennslyvania state police while he was suffering from a mental crisis. Police were called to assist him but they shot him at the bridge when Hall had his hands up.  Police are supposed to assist with mental crises, not kill. Disabled people who are killed by police are suffering from mental illnesses such as clinical depression and schizophrenia or special needs. As someone who is a part of a community with people that have mental disorders, I feel that this is not only an important issue but a serious one because we need to protect the members of the community. It is affecting us because we are uncertain if things like these would happen to any of us one day. I feel that this issue is ableist motivated and needs to be addressed immediately because it is getting worse and it might be police killing more disabled people than black people.

The topic I would be most likely to choose for my article is police brutality on disabled people.  Since I suffer from a mental disorder, I don’t usually talk about it because it makes me feel self-conscious and that it is very personal to me. However, when this topic about disable people being victims of police brutality is brought up, I feel that it isn’t getting much attention and as a  member of a community of people who are suffering from mental disorders, we need help/support but most importantly we need to be heard and be treated equally.

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