Writing for the Public

Author: Keysha Lopez (Page 4 of 6)

Quote sandwich

What is the history behind Foster care?
All started in 1636 Benjamin Eaton became the first Foster care child. A lot of immigrant children were sleeping in the streets of New york. And Charles Loring Brace began the foster care home movement. In the 1900s, social agencies began to supervise foster parents and they created a record for the parents for the way of placement. A world that caught my attention was “The orphan train movements” I have not heard of this historical concept this is my first time listening. This system consists of the period from 1853 to 1929 that they were transferred from urban cities to the east of the country. Some of these children were excessively exploited working on the farms where they lived. It is a well-argumentative issue but it was something that happened many years ago and it cannot be judged by the treatment they gave the children because they looked for a solution so that they would not have to starve in the streets. But another point of the video I was watching is that “there is a 4 million report of child maltreatment in the united states” this is important because many years have passed since we have the same problem and we have not solved it. the government has to make sure that the place where they leave these children is safe.

Proposal Unit #2

My topic is foster care and it is an interesting topic to talk about because this system does not exist in all countries. When was the foster care system created and why? that was one of my main questions to be able to inform myself better. not only that but something I was aware of and there is much rumor about this issue is that in the places where they take children they abuse them and we can and have the only option to improve the system. I would like to detail each of these points because it is a subject that is my interest.


Keysha Lopez_Hw #1 (Unit 2)

         One of possible problems that I want to research is about foster care. I want to know more about the system of foster care and how the government chooses the person who’s going to take care of the children. I think, This is a big issue because there’s a lot of cases of childrens that get abused in foster’s homes. This is important because children are the future of the society. If they are raised in homes that  treat him badly they will have problems in the future. I think  that these childrens already surfer enough when they are taken out of their family house to later live a new torment in the foster’s house. I would like to know more about this topic and be able to understand the system because we have a problem that we need to solve. In general, I love working with kids and my weak sides are the children. I don’t want anything  bad to happen to them.

Another problem that is in society nowadays is that an influencer from social media has more value and earns more money than a person that went to college and has a profession. I want to know more about this because it is something important to know and be informed about. First of all,  I want to know if that’s true but I think it’s because I follow a lot of influencers in social media and most of them drop out of college and meka a lot of money out of social media.  The type of information that I need is what is the percentage of people that finish college with a job based on their career. Also most of the job that you have is not even related to the career that you study. I think this is a really important topic and I don’t see anyone talking about it.

Last but not least,  what happened with the childrens after a divorce? This topic in particular is really personal for me because my parents never got married but they have lived together for 4 year. I don’t have any memory living with my mom and dad. The reason why I think that’s an issue is because sometimes I feel really bad having to choose who I’m going to spend christmas. I want to spend my time with my two parents. But that’s something that can happen because they both already have and create their own family. But where is me? I feel in the middle of two families. I have to make more resourch and listen to other people experience. 

I don’t know which problem to choose because all three are important for me. It would be good to hear my classmate’s opinion on my three problems and which one they would like to read. But for now I can see myself writing all three.


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