Writing for the Public

Author: Carrie Hall (Page 5 of 9)

Due Tuesday March 23 by 8 am: Rough Drafts!

Hi everyone!  Your rough draft for Unit Two is due on Tuesday.  Remember that you are writing a magazine (or perhaps newspaper feature) about a problem you care about for an audience of your choosing.

I strongly suggest you use the outline you wrote from your mentor article (Marriage, Coronavirus, USAA, Teen Activism etc) for guidance.  That is, look to it for tips!  If the introduction starts with a personal story, maybe you want to try to do the same.  If it leads into a study about your topic, maybe you want to try that.  This suggestion is meant to be helpful. If it’s making it difficult for you to write, you don’t need to follow the mentor text.

Rough drafts should be at least 1100 words. Completion of your RD (on time) counts toward your final Unit 2 grade– but you get the points just for doing it! So do it!  

If you have questions, look at the assignment sheet under “Major Assignments.” You can also feel free to email me.

Please use category: Unit 2 RD

Homework for Thursday, March 18, by 8 am!

First things first: remember, your topic needs to be in question form.  Something like “women’s rights” is too broad, but “How are young women defining feminism (and womanhood) differently than their mothers and grandmothers did?” If you’re having trouble with this, send me an email!

Second things second: You will need at least three (but probably more) sources.  We’ve found a few in class, but you’ll also need to find some on your own. Remember, interviews count as sources too!  You could interview your mother or your best friend about women’s rights (or about corruption in the Dominican Republic or Haiti!)  You need SOME print sources, but don’t be afraid to use interviews, YouTube videos, songs, etc…  You are writing a magazine article.

HERE is the link to the library page for help with sources

HERE is the link to sign up for meetings with me if you have any questions

Okay, now the homework: 

For Thursday:

Write a summary of at least one source that relates to your essay (this can be the source you found in class on Tuesday).  The summary should be at least 250 words.  Tell us what the article says, how it relates to your research question, whether you agree with the author and why the source is useful to you.  Please note: you don’t have to agree with the author for the source to be useful!

Also (this doesn’t count toward word count) pick out 2 or so quotes from this article you find particularly interesting or useful.  You don’t have to comment on them.

I suggest you start working on your rough drafts.  They’re due on March 23!


Homework for Tuesday, March 16 by 8 am!

HERE is a calendar to sign up for one-on-one conferences with me (we will use our Zoom link). Please sign up if I told you you needed to or if you have any questions about Unit One, Unit Two or the course in general!

Hi guys, the homework for Tuesday, March 16 is:

  1. Finish the “reverse outline” that you started on your mentor articles last week (Marriage, NCAA, Coronavirus or Activism). Remember to focus on what the article DOES (“In this paragraph, the author uses their own experience to draw the reader in” or “in this paragraph, the author brings in an outside source and explains it in relatable language so regular people can understand”) instead of what is SAYS (“the author tells us he was a football player and is now a senator”).  We are trying to get to a kind of generic outline that you can use as a guide– for writing form only– if you want!

As an example, HERE is the one we did in class!  You may have to revise the part you did already to make it about what the article DOES (not says)

Post to Open Lab

2. Finish the “quote sandwich” paragraph we started in class on Thursday.  In this paragraph, you will take a quote from an article about your research topic (you do not need to agree with this quote– but you might!) Use the guidelines in THIS POSTER.  That is, introduce the quote (and author,)  summarize the quote in your own words, and then analyze (explain) the quote by telling the reader what you think about it, why it is important and/ or how it relates to your central question!

Also post this to OL.  Please post these two assignments separately! 

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