Writing for the Public

Author: Carmen (Page 7 of 8)


A word that will be part of my discourse community is RVP this is part of my work community many wouldn’t understand the concept of it. RVP means a level in my workplace that many of who work there try to reach it’s the beginning of something that will change your life a goal. It is ownership it refers to the conditional right of an eligible Regional Vice President.

My first experience when it came to this word is what the hell does RVP mean, what such a big deal to it. I recently started working in a financial wealth management company in Manhattan and it was my fist day it was like an orientation of the job. I attended a meeting where they went over the goals, what the company is about and what we will exactly be doing. In that meeting they told me a lot of information I didn’t knew what they where talking about many words where thrown at me which got me confused. Such as district leader, division and so much more but what really stand out among the team was RVP. That seemed to be the first part of a goal everyone was trying to reach it’s where you have your own office and own team it’s where you make things happen for yourself and help clients along the way. I never really was focused on this word I just came to my work and did what I was supposed to do to get pay in the first month but that has changed over time and made me realize the importance of reaching that. It changed when I finally understand the definition of the word, when I saw how my own boss was one and what he did and what he has. It’s something that it can help in my future and my family as well.

This word was important to me and my community because it’s what my boss is he is currently a RVP who is trying to become another goal offer in the company.  However, in order for big things to happen we need to become RVP this is something very hard to do because it requires a lot of dedication, time and patience. Once I understand how the company works, what I’ m supposed to do, how I’m supposed to do it and the importance of growth in the company. I started to work very hard in doing that sometimes I be getting out so late and starting so early it can be stressful at times too but it’s something I want to reach that is important to reach in my community and finally understand why reaching that goal is so important.

There is a specific way in using the word correctly that will indicate membership in my community I say this because not everyone who works there is part of that world. The new people have different roles and aren’t really so involved in reaching that goal because they still haven’t proven themselves that it is something they really want. They understand the importance of why one should become an RVP but don’t emphasize or work as hard to become one so they don’t know or grow in the company at all. In my community we help each other out as much as we can all of us are after that goal and is something all of us can do there isn’t a reason why we should hold each other down. We are like a big family, we are they ones who stay late but make things happen.

Anyone can use the word but one thing is using the word and another one making use of the word. Many who come to work with me have the motivation to say I want to become, I will be, soon I’m going to be an a RVP. On the other hand those people never put in the effort or work enough to understand that it isn’t something easy it’s something that will be difficult to do, their will be challenges in to getting there. But it will be worth it on the long run it’s something many have done before they become the people we envied to be and looked up in the company. This word changes when people from outside the discourse community use the word because they just say it because they want to it’s something kind of funny to say but not really grasp what it means and why they are saying it.

I think the people who should know this word is the people who is working in the company, people who are just starting in the company too. That is because as much as they will be confused with the process and the word they will want to know what it means. Once they do it will be up to them if they go for it and try to thrive it or give up on it at all.


Where I got caught up specifically is when the author is talking about Domos the Puertorocks and fufus, I don’t understand what the author is trying to tell me here. I think the author is speaking Spanglish I wouldn’t have know that if it wasn’t said in the assignment. I found it funny how the author just cursed out of nowhere it seems as it’s angry over something but I can’t quite understand what exactly is the issue. I do seem to understand that the scary story of the fuku seems to be based on DR’s dictator the author perhaps says this stuff of the Fuku in an exaggerated way but it’s trying to portray a similarity between the monster and the real monster in real life. I think that’s what the excerpt was mainly talking about but I don’t really understand how it comes together and what the point of the story is really about. It’s confusing with some of the wording that is being used in the excerpt some don’t even seem to be words that are English. Not even Spanglish I speak Spanglish too and I don’t even understand the wordings that is used in this text.

Mike Bunn Analysis

In his article, Mike Bunn writes “You are already an author.” I think Mike Bunn means by this is everyone is already a writer in their own way just writing a simple sentence a text message to your mom or anyone is you being a author of some sort. As well as writing for to your teacher, a homework assignment this is  you being your own author of that piece that you have just written because you are the own that is writing with your own techniques. Some of the things I write already is essays, poems, homework assignment, analysis of a article, math explanations. This existing expertise will help me in my college reading and writing career because I can take what I know and perfect them make it better than what I can do right now.

I noticed a technique in Bunn’s article that I would like to try to do in my own writing is he said ” This is important because it’s the same thing you should be thinking about while you are writing: how will readers respond to
this technique I am using, to this sentence, to this word? As you read, ask yourself what the author is doing at each step of the way, and then consider whether the same choice or technique might work in your own writing.” This technique is good to have because I should have in mind my readers, ask myself will they be interested in what I write, will they read it, will they like if I use a different kind of technique than usual, will they comprehend what I am trying to say or should I simplify it more. I should also take what other authors use in there own writing and see if it works for me in my own writing.

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