Writing for the Public

Author: Carmen (Page 6 of 8)


A problem I will like to address first will be the injustices that exist in this nation along with police brutality toward a race. This is something that is taking a great toll in the world it something that is greatly affecting  many people and is something that many don’t say or speak about it as much as we should as a community. Furthermore, no change is occurring to address this situation people are dying, people are incarcerated even though they are innocent, harassment to certain people, cyber bullying, attacking them verbally.  Now people are protesting, asking for a change to happen, racism is a one of a major issue that needs solving more when it comes with police brutality people are dying in the hands we should be the most safe in who should be taking care of our right no matter of any race.

Another issue I think that should be addressed I believe is poverty many people are in the streets with no food or shelter to their disposal. It’s something that isn’t been aware of and addressed properly. This is something that New York have seen as one of the economic problems that we have as drastic. It’s even said “Approximately one in five New Yorkers lives in poverty and nearly half the city’s households are considered near poor. This is not even talked about nearly as much as they do when it comes to in the news as it should. Not even the government do anything to help this problem and the people of this city they need it and it will even help increase the economy,

Lastly, is the immigration  problem where many families are being incarcerated in the worst conditions ever and even more when this pandemic is happening in tight spaces bundle together not having the proper COVID precautions. Families are being separated however what’s bad in this situation is the children being separated from their mom in dads. Or being in the jail at such a young age I see in the news how when reunited they just start crying and also stories of how the kids are just pleading for their families back to them. I think that this has always been an issue, should we allow immigrants to live or come to the United States? But now it’s how they  are being treated and placed especially in this time.

This are some of the issues I will say I will want to address.



When reading the article what I learned was how much stress can affect our brain, it’s something that really effects the prefrontal cortex. That part  is used for us to think straight,  where the abstract thinking comes from it’s where we store information and are calm when doing any of these things we have to do. Another thing is at this time with the coronavirus pandemic we are forced to be under stress and can’t really function correctly as we should. We have to constantly be alert for us to worried of will we be the next ones affected of this virus to our family.

The author uses research for this article by first mentioning previous experiments done on teenagers or people who were under pressure and there reaction when they where under that pressure. Another one was images illustrating of our brains and where the reactions of when we are under pressure occurred. Also tests done  on animals that closely resemble our brains and how we are to how they will function when a situation comes at them at a fast pace and they need to react immediately.

They also use personal experience because of how they are being physically affected by by the pandemic. These things can’t be made up since it’s something that is stressing the whole world, all over the place.  People are finding it extremely difficult to support their families, as well as, they have to live with the constant fear of not getting the virus and transmitting it to their loved ones. Stress is the common feeling people go through during this pandemic and in the article there is a section that tells the reader how to embrace stress. Crum first step it to accept the stress,  after that you have to recognize what you are stressed out about. Stress most of the times is inevitable so rather than fighting Crum last step she recommends is to use the stress your feel in a positive way that benefits you.


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