Writing for the Public

Author: Carmen (Page 3 of 8)

Mentor text

The mentor text I used was “Annotated by the Author : ‘10 Comic Books to Celebrate Pride’ by the New York Times. Here the author narrates how George Gene Gustines pick a selection of 10 comics that star L.G.B.T.Q. characters. He mentioned that every writing aspect is important such as tone, mood, wording, language, structure.

The tone when writing this was of Gustines it can be seen as meticulous he had to cover many important details when writing this without spoiling anything. However at the same time making sure  the information was accurate and clear.

The author includes in the beginning was explaining  a little of the background what George Gene Gustines was meant to do. A summary of what the article will be about.The middle part where of comments of Mr. Gustines’s based on the original article. In the end he wanted to discuss with editors and look at other articles in The Times to see how similar content is handled with film, television and prose books. This was an edition to celebrate  Pride Month. I think it was  organized this way so we can have a format that will be easy to follow rather than difficult to understand. The author used some other techniques to draw in the audiences attention such as where some words in bold, images and hyperlinks intact. The color as well, the graphics being layout in the article.

The methods used to develop its ideas is narration of Gustine work, description of what’s in bold, comparison to our century and the L.G.B.T.Q.

This writer used research when talking of the other authors work, what they have done, and why.


  1. The prompt for this unit asks you to answer one or both of the following questions: “How has the past year challenged or changed you?” or “What have you learned in the past year that you would like to share with others?”  But remember, you may have learned something surprising and not at all covid-related!  What do you think you would like to write about in this unit?

The past year challenged me because I had to adapt to new situations it was something that will be different from what I used to. For example, for my classes  I had to switched from going in person, seeing my classmates everyday, teachers to looking at a computer screen and not able to interact with my friends and teachers. Second was going outside, visiting new places, new experiences and new challenges to take upon. This past year has really changed me I started to see the world through a new perspective no longer did I see we that we have all the time of the world on the contrary I saw that life is short. So many things I wanted to try that I was taken for granted my time and days that now I’m willing to try something new, like for example I started a new job that is going well for me that even I can travel now.

  1. The assignment also asks you to be specific– to talk about a particular aspect of the year that only you can talk about (or to tweak it in your own particular way!) How do you intend to get specific?

I tend to get specific by talking about my feelings and emotions throughout that particular aspect of my year. I intend to talk about the fear I have, my hopes, the happiness, joy I was feeling, the surprise or the terror I felt. Another way is being specific about what I saw, my surroundings, where I was, what time I was there etc. Lastly, quoting what was said that day.

  1.  What kind of document are you thinking about  making? A video essay with interviews? A video of you reciting a poem? A series of infographics? A comic book? Look at the Unit Three assignment for ideas, but you can branch out from there if you like.  Remember, the requirement is that you use words and images  OR words and sounds OR words, images and sounds.

Most likely I will do a series of infographics.

  1. What are your concerns about this assignment?  That is, maybe you want to make a podcast, but you really have no idea how to do that (see THIS handout– maybe it will help). Or you want to do a comic but you can’t draw (THIS might help)

What I’m supposed to say, how to fully engage my reader to what I’m trying to say. My pictures, the sounds I can used, how much to write or how little to write. The resources to used, my time if I have enough time to finish this assignment.

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