Writing for the Public

Author: Bryan Moreno (Page 8 of 8)

Homework#2 Bryan Moreno

Mike Bunn writes “You are already an author”. In my opinion he means that everyone has already wrote papers in their life for example I can say that I’m an author because I have written essays for school, research papers before and more. This makes us author make it has come from our ideas, we have use techniques to make a good paper and we have expectation for our papers. Also we can use this ideas on our day to day example of this can be like watching a movie reading a book and because because being an author means to be able to understand a story like what’s the setting does the character has development, etc. The experience I have now will help with the basic of my writing and reading, help identified key word are important knowledge while making my experience even better while learning new ways on reading and writing. Based on the article of Mike Bunn the “Read like a Writer” or (RLW) is very important to people to learn because it teaches how to identify step of the writing . Also it helps to understand the choices the author took and what other option the author had while writing, Depending on the way that should defined the result of the paper someone is writing for example it can be a research paper , newspaper , article  and more. The meaning of this article is that should be thinking while writing on the reader opinion for example how is this good connection, the step i’m taking to write this paper are making sense , are the techniques are being well use or how well my evidence support my ideas. Every single thing will be important because it will depend on the readers way of thinking which will be based on the article, story, etc.

Homework #1 Bryan Moreno

Based on the Adburraquib and the video we watched in class in my opinion they talking about names and meaning of them for example their meaning background or we can say what does it make us as a person. In my opinion names are really important many people can talk about and it can have really important meaning for us. Based on  adburraquib what could I understand because of his family and background. Based on the video I understood that names can be confuse by the looks of people for example the video was an idea of this the guy looked caucasian which made it hard for other to believe that he was muslin which he felt that . This two thing that we did in class can be very important because it what make somebody as an person.

To me my whole name is important because my family gave me that name those who I love wanted this name for a reason. One of my goals is to graduate from college and make my family proud because they were the person on giving me the opportunities on having a better education.

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