Writing for the Public

Homework #3 “Fuku”

Reading the expert from the novel “ The Brief wondrous life of Oscar woo …  Fuku” was a bit challenging. It was hard grasping the true situation of what really was taken place. Not sure if it’s a creature, ghost or entity. What is made know through out the passage is, if you go against it or act in a way that it doesn’t like you are either cursed or eaten. They say it’s a know “tale” but all of the people fear it. It’s also said that Fuku is responsible for the death of JFK and the continuous cruse of the Kennedy’s.  I was a bit taken aback by this claim for the simple fact that history has come to taught us that the former president was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald.  Not a demon like entity from the Dominican.  I also find it weird that you can avoid the cruse/ demon by just the cross of you index finger and from the say of the  word zafa. If that is the case why has this tale continued on for so many years if it can be avoided by something so simple that a possible 8 Year old can do. I don’t want to speak badly on the tale nor do I Choose to discredit the author that choose to share his beliefs,  but some things just aren’t adding up.  But then again it is said,  It’s perfectly fine if you don’t believe in these Superstitions … because no matter what you believe Fuku believes in you.”  Spooky Stuff

1 Comment

  1. Carrie Hall

    You’re right. It doesn’t quite add up– but sometimes our suspicions are like that, right? But yeah, it’s a good point. If the Zafa is that simple, how did the Fuku, like, ruin the WORLD?

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