For unit 2, i have multiple topics that i would be interested in researching but my top 3 would be police brutality, discrimination/racism and sexism. The reason for this is because I really hate seeing it happen or just hearing about it always gets me upset. For example, police brutality is something which really leaves me thinking who can we and who can’t we trust because we intrust our lives to the police and think that they will protect us but whenever things like police brutality happens it makes everyone feel like we are on our own. Another topic like racism that i would like to talk about is because this is the source of many other conflicts and can even be the cause of my previous example “police brutality” this is because racism has been around for a really long time “making people feel like they are less all because of their race, nationality and even background” this keeps affecting us as of today that is why i believe that we should do all we can to stop this since it really is the source to many other problems, hate and crimes. Finally there is sexism, the reason why i find this topic to be interesting to reasearch is because for a long time now womans have been fighting for equal right and to be treated as equal which i believe is a very goood thing because we are all the same in many ways and our sex shouldn’t define our status, but after some time it became a thing that some womens would say that the female sex is superios to the male sex and so a big debate came from that which i think it’s just as bad as man thinking they are better because looking for equality is not being superior but being in the same ground so for that to happen we most all this about eachother as same and equal instead of superior. All of this topics are important to address as of now because if we keep this on i believe it will stay a never ending cicle and it could potentially gives us a better future with less conflict and a safer world where we all can go outside without or go get a job and even make friends without thinking and worrying about being discriminate for reasons like sex, race and things of such a sort.