For this unit, I will be discussing the prompt “How has the past year challenged or changed you?”. After this year that has passed, I have noticed that I would get bored of being at home sometimes. Before I used to be fine with staying home and not doing much but now there are times where I am willing to go to the corner store to buy a soda or anything just so I can step out of the house. Being stuck at home was fun at first because I didn’t have to put much effort into what I wore. I liked not having to wake up early and walk to school before graduating high school and not having to do my hair because “ who is going to see me?”. But now it just feeling like every day is the same thing and I miss having my friends around, seeing them in the few classes we had together. But don’t there is nothing wrong with staying home which there are times where that what I want to do.

To be specific about this topic I will talk about how it felt being forced to stay home from the beginning to now. I will talk about the things that I missed doing before this year.

 I’m not completely sure! I might write this in a comic book type of document because it might be fun to do so.  

My only major concern so far for this Unit assignment is choosing the type of document to complete this assignment.