Two possible issues/problems that I might pick to research and write about are discrimination against people who speak their native language. They do not feel comfortable speaking the language they want to because of what other people might think of them. The other issue/problem could be about how immigrant kids have been kept in cages and sleep on the floor with blankets that do not keep them warm. These kids are separated from their families and put in cages along with other immigrant kids. I find these interesting to research because I believe that they can be solved

  There are people who get called out for speaking a language other than English. I feel like anyone should have the right to speak whatever language they feel comfortable speaking in. There are people who walk by people speaking a language other than English and call them out along with calling them names. They are not just called names and told to speak English, they get weird looks from people everywhere they go. There needs to be something that can be done so that people who speak another language other than English can feel comfortable going places. 

  I find the issue of kids being kept in cages interesting and something that should be written about more because these kids are kept away from the families after crossing the border. It is not fair that kids should be kept away from their families and put into camps. What makes things worse is that in these camps these kids are kept in cages with other immigrant kids. They are given blankets that are intended to keep them warm and have to sleep on the floor. This is an issue that needs to be solved or diminished because these kids are locked up in camps and spend months there with other kids. There have been kids that have died within these camps from sickness and other causes. These kids should be returned to a family member where they can be cared for. These kids cry because they miss their parents and they have no one to comfort them. This is something that has been happening for the past years and it needs to be stopped. If more people know about this issue then these kids will be able to go home and be with their families. The more people know about this issue the faster a solution can be found and these camps can be shut down.