Writing for the Public

Homework #3

This whole passage was weird and confusing. Even the vocabulary that were used. One of the passages that really lost me was the entire page of 4 “You want a final conclusive answer to the Warren Commission’s son question, who killed JFK? Let me, your humble Watcher, reveal once and for all the God’s Honest Truth: It wasn’t the mob or LBJ or the ghost of Marilyn Fucking Monroe. It wasn’t aliens or the KGB or lone gunman. It wasn’t the Hunt Brothers of Texas or Lee Harvey or the Trilateral Commission. It was Trujillo; it was Fuki…”  The world knows who really killed JFK and it was Lee Harvey not fuki. The world doesn’t even know who is fuki. Fuki isn’t a real alive person to me. It has to be spirit or thought of something bad I don’t know.

1 Comment

  1. Carrie Hall

    Do you think he’s saying a spirit is responsible for the death of JFK?

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