Writing for the Public

Homework #2__ Keysha Lopez

In the article “You are already an author” by Mike Bunn the author is trying to demonstrate by giving this title that you are already an author but from your own life. all the decisions we make have consequences. I always believed that “our destiny is written.” but we are the ones who decided how to write that destiny.

In the app on my phone you can find “notes” whenever I feel bad or discouraged for any particular reason I like to write what I feel. I think that when I write with pencil and paper I can vent more because words weigh more to write than a simple touch on a keyboard or a phone screen. But writing helps me find out who I am and helps me calm down in my difficult times.

During the years that I have studied, I have written many spells but you can count on the fingers of my hands the spells that I have had to write about myself as a writer. During my four years of high school, I spent writing argumentative essays and nothing else. Then in my first semester of college things changed and I like to share and transmit a little of my life to the reader. But everything that I added during the last years was necessary to know what I know today. I will need everything that I studied at some point in my life. On the other hand, Something that would like do similar to Buun is to start the essay with quotes.  Something that I would like to do differently is that instead of being a quotation of a leader that is one of the great composers of music. I think it would be interesting to start writing an essay with a phrase from a piece of music that connects what the essay is about.

1 Comment

  1. Carrie Hall

    Man! So much great stuff in here. I love the idea of starting writing from a great piece of music, instead of the regular quote. I also like that you turned this around a bit and made this not only about writing papers but about our destiny.

    I’m also INTRIGUED to wonder what a spell about yourself (or honestly myself) as a writer would look like.

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