Writing for the Public

My name

I am born and raised in Queens my parents are from Ecuador. My name is Carmen and the language that makes me who I am is Spanish I speak both English and Spanish. I think what makes people treat me a certain way is my background being Hispanic but I am proud of my race. My name is very well known in the Latino community many family’s name there kids Carmen but since is such a Hispanic name they just assume I am different from everyone else and need more  guidance or just treat one differently. However because of that my family has been a great influence on my literacy, education because of them I love reading in both languages and have motivated me to become the first generation who graduates high school and soon college. When it comes to writing I don’t like it since I’m not good at it and find it hard how to start a paper. The fact that I can speak both languages actually helps I see it as a virtue it helps me in life getting a job being bilingual it’s something many jobs look for.  I set goals that I hope very soon I can fulfill both professional and  personal. My attitude toward the world can be said as positive but at the same time pessimist because I see how much the world is being destroyed because of us, how many problems keep rising instead of being solved. How inequality seems to still be an issue racism towards sex, color etc. animals being tortured, pointless fight in social media, technology destroying our future generations. At the same time I have faith that things will change we will become aware as a society and look for a positive change instead of destroying ourselves or the Earth.

1 Comment

  1. Carrie Hall

    Carmen! I’m not going to let you say you’re not good at writing– totally not allowed in this class. I happen to know you’re a very good writer and getting better all the time.

    And anyone who has ever told you that can probably only speak one language which means they’re not as good at language as you are, so don’t even listen to them.

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