In his article, Mike Bunn writes “You are already an author.” I think Mike Bunn means by this is everyone is already a writer in their own way just writing a simple sentence a text message to your mom or anyone is you being a author of some sort. As well as writing for to your teacher, a homework assignment this is  you being your own author of that piece that you have just written because you are the own that is writing with your own techniques. Some of the things I write already is essays, poems, homework assignment, analysis of a article, math explanations. This existing expertise will help me in my college reading and writing career because I can take what I know and perfect them make it better than what I can do right now.

I noticed a technique in Bunn’s article that I would like to try to do in my own writing is he said ” This is important because it’s the same thing you should be thinking about while you are writing: how will readers respond to
this technique I am using, to this sentence, to this word? As you read, ask yourself what the author is doing at each step of the way, and then consider whether the same choice or technique might work in your own writing.” This technique is good to have because I should have in mind my readers, ask myself will they be interested in what I write, will they read it, will they like if I use a different kind of technique than usual, will they comprehend what I am trying to say or should I simplify it more. I should also take what other authors use in there own writing and see if it works for me in my own writing.