Hall English 1101 Fall 2020

Category: Unit 2 (Page 2 of 35)

4th Source Entry

Department of Homeland Security. “Zero Tolerance Immigration Prosecutions – Family Fact Sheet.” U.S. Customs and Border Protection, 15 June 2018, www.cbp.gov/newsroom/zero-tolerance-immigration-prosecutions-family-fact-sheet.

       In this Family Fact Sheet from the Department of Homeland Security states by law what are the procedures for immigrants crossing the border illegally. Anyone who enters the border illegally even with children will be prosecuted. After being prosecuted, any family involved will be separated from their parents. Children will be sent off to the department of health and human services. Also to the Office of Refugees Resettlement. These children are held in temporary shelters or hosted by an appropriate family. places. Where they take care of children’s medical care, mental health care, and educational programs. Also ICE will work on regular communication between parents and their children. Although all individuals that have entered illegally will be sent to the Department of Justice and present before a federal judge. Later the result made from a federal judge will be sent to ICE to follow up immigration proceedings. Although any individual that has been prosecuted for illegal entry can seek asylum and any other protection available under law. However, children can also present individual claims for asylum and may take separate immigration proceedings.

       After reading the family fact sheet and knowing by law what the procedures have to be taken toward families and any individual that enters the country illegally. Which actually doesn’t seem the same procedures that are being taken at the border. According to the family fact sheet, “Children in HHS ORR custody are provided with appropriate care, including medical care, mental health care, and educational programs”. Considering from past research these children aren’t given all the care that they’re in title to. For example, mental health care and educational programs aren’t given to these undocumented children. While they are being held in these temporary shelters there are sleeping on the floors. Where there isn’t even enough space for these children to sleep. Let alone have space for educational programs they can atend to. Also there’s no mental health care given to these children because they spent all day in these shelters sitting quietly. Lastly, children shouldn’t be allowed to make their own claims without their parents. Mostly because their children are very young to understand. Which is why they should be with their parents and file claims together instead of separate. Children shouldn’t present themselves at federal judge without their parents.

       The rhetorical factor that this genre uses is that it’s a legal source. Meaning the agent from the Department of Homeland Security wrote this family fact sheet and based it on what the law states and what should be happening according to them.


       “Children whose parents are referred for prosecution will be placed with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR)”.

Legal Source Entry

The legal source that I am using speaks about sex trafficking and prostitution. The article speaks about how minors are being treated as offenders instead of victims Keep in mind that these victims go through sexual mental and physical abuse and they are vulnerable to pimps and traffickers. According to the article they say that “ In order to stop the perpetuation and revictimization of sexually exploited youth, states should join the movement in passing safe Harbor laws, modeled on existing New York Law” so i’m assuming that more support is needed to help these kids get the support that they need to heal.In the article there was a girl named Nicolette who was Arrested for prostitution In New York and this wasnt the first time She was arrested in another city and was bailed out by her trafficker .The article made me understand that after her second arrest she was convicted  as a juvenile delinquent And was sent to a secure detention Facility In the New York State the age of consent is 17 years old however “Nicolette was only twelve years old at the time of arrest and  as a twelve-year-old Nicolette was unable to even consent to sex let alone sell it” Minors forced into prostitution are in between the prostitution laws And sexual activity laws. If a minor is unable to give consent to sex according to the state age consent law then that form of sex is considered as rape especially each time that child is being purchased. What makes me sad is that there are some juveniles that are being treated as Adult offenders because of their own sexual abuse while the person who is buying them is going scot free which is not fair if you ask me because that is the main reason why we have a lot of mentally Ill people in the streets because they have been abused over and over again without anyone to defend them . The reason why I use this legal source Is because some of these girls are often told Sweet lies so that they can fall into the Trap of prostitution and once they fall into that trap they realize that it is too late. There are some girls who are of age to give consent to these things that are spoken to boys That they think that actually likes them and they end up falling into a toxic relationship to the point of being mistreated, abused and guilt-tripped into doing things that they don’t want to do in the name of love.In certain countries young girls Are sometimes told that the job that  they’re going to do will help their families not knowing that that job that they are getting into is a hell fire.

Source entry four (4)

Part 1 

Reynolds, Glenn Harlan. “International Space Law: Into the Twenty-First Century.” SSRN,2 Mar.2015, papers.ssrn.com?so13?papers.cfm?abstract_id=2571912

Part 2

This article talked about space law problems, that will be needing sooner or later answers to, and what the solution or answer should be to some of these questions that will be asked or should be asking already. It addressed topics that concerned with environmental concerns, property rights , disclaimer of extraterritorial sovereignty, international cooperation, international trade issues etc. and so much more. More importantly in this is the governing of space, space is a totally different concept and is seen as such a vast place for someone to inhabit and up until now there hasn’t really been much prove of a place habitable to life in. However they focus on the question what happens if there was such a place since the universe is such a big place and we haven’t even discover half of it yet the. So, this article talked about this and more and how we should start thinking of these and of the what ifs.

Part 3

I agree with this text is telling us to start thinking of life outside in the universe what should be done, lawyers should start thinking and coming up with laws that can address this and what should be done if they come to us. According to the article it states” A logical next step would be for lawyers, scientist, and other interesting parties to begin thinking about how this contact would be managed if it should occur.”  A legal source just focusing on that specific law to that question who takes over who, when and where isn’t really found there wasn’t such source. So if the multiverse is real, what will happen to us or even them what will we do with the information? The quote illustrates that we should start thinking about that we need to think ahead we already are thinking of the multiverse as a theory and being real now what happens if such prove to discovering that the multiverse is truth, what will occur? I would tell the author how should we address this question? How will he address it?

A rhetorical feature is that this article is from 1992 and address the 21st century as the future so the credential of this article is not really so good it’s outdated because it’s from a long time and right now 2021 a lot has changed both in science and the state itself. I feel the author writing style was good it really talked of many topics that I see that is useful and many scientist might have this in mind when keep investigating there theories trying to find answers to the question of the multiverse when they read this paper. The purpose when writing this is for scientist or everyone, the government to asked questions and start thinking of them. However I find this article  credible because the question from many years ago has no answer to today, no legal source really focused on that question nothing in this century talks about that which gets me to think when will they start talking of it. If they already started talking of the multiverse and will not stop talking of it and made it clear they will keep investigating it until proven otherwise why not have lawyers start thinking of solutions/ answers to their questions.

Part 4

“Although the likelihood of this sort of event, quite literally, is incalculable, the potential consequences are significant enough that a bit of preventive lawyering may be in order.”

“Our technology has grown in almost magical fashion over the past 2,000 years, but foreign policy is still practiced pretty much as it was during the Roman Empire”

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