Hall English 1101 Fall 2020

Category: Conclusion RD (Page 2 of 4)


I found in my research that how a soldier fight in himself. The most interesting thing that I found is in one of my source Entry videos in which a soldier shot a boy just to save his soldier brothers and while he was about to shoot he had to decide in himself that should he shoot or not.

That was the most surprising action that a soldier took by shooting a boy. My question deepened because as I was researching. In my two entries, I found something that really hit my mind was a soldier who shot a boy however a soldier himself has a son the same age as that boy. He got no other option.

I learned this Important because that pushes any person to think two ways like why he shot a boy? What could have happened if he let the boy live.


I think most likely the specific people who call soldiers are bad or they are remotes that played by the government. However, it’s not true a soldier has his own feelings too.


You will summarize what you found in your research– you might also want to write about what the most important or interesting thing you found is.

You will tell readers what surprised you, or how your understanding of your question deepened or changed. (Spoiler: if the answer is “not at all”, you did not do enough research.)

You will explain why what you learned is important

You will explain who you think needs to know about it and why (Another spoiler: be specific!  The answer can not be “everyone.”  That is too big of an audience.  Narrow it down to who needs to hear about it first!) 


I found in my research is how this theory isn’t going away even though they don’t know if it’s true or false. It’s something some scientist day after day use all their energy in finding answers to proving this theory as reliable. The multiverse is meaning the entire ensemble of innumerable regions of disconnected space-time. Meaning that a large number of universe that maybe we aren’t the only universe who had a Big Bang on the contrary multiple. Something I found astonishing is that we might not be the only one with this theory if it comes out to be scientific proven we aren’t unique as we think we are just a small detail out of a giant picture. Another thing is we might be living in patches and patches exist around the universe that we aren’t aware of just yet.
The thing that surprised me is how many scientist try to find a reasonable answer to this question, is the multiverse real or fiction? That they even thought of a tool that might explain how the multiverse might be true that still hasn’t exist. Many  scientist have controversial ideas when it comes to the multiverse, but one thing is certain it’s all the main concept we having multiple universe. This is something that is going to be solved in one day and will stop being a theory. Is something many already believe it and wants to be right because it’s a way that scientist can explain the universe and why it’s the way it is and how it is? I thought many already would had given up in this theory because years after years no evidence found, but it wasn’t like that. They still looking for ways to be true like Stephan Hawking who wrote his last journal on the multiverse I think he can have his life dedication to prove that theory. Neil deGrasse Tyson as well who also believed this theory but has a few remolding to it. My understanding of the question changed because now I know the new findings of the multiverse but now I want to understand a different question about it.

What I have learned is important because it’s something that will explain the universe itself. That can explain what is out their beyond out reach such as the light rays emitted from the earliest times  that can reveal if the Universe was born with it and explaining the matter and energy of the universe. In this view, not only is our planet one among many, but even our entire universe is insignificant on space.

The audience for this is teens who are into science, math or astronomy. This is because this people are who will be more intrigued in this topic is something that cool and not new but new to them as a concept. Another reason is because since they’re the new generations they might propose themselves to solving this question and granted they might just do that. It’s something that fits with them thinking that a whole other universe might be out there blowing their minds away just as they have done to adults. Another I want to say is lawyers because their is no source that really dedicated to this idea. Which comes to the bigger question, what happens if the multiverse is real? Who will claim it? What will they do with it? Is it the United States property? Which will be something that sooner will need an answer if it’s true.

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