Hall English 1101 Fall 2020

Category: Announcements (Page 4 of 8)

Navigating Genres

In the beginning of the story dirk was asking us if he can create a country music even if it doesn’t speak on the topic that it normally speaks on? And as I continued reading he said “ but above all I hope to give you an awareness of how genres function by taking what is often quiet theoretical in the field of rhetoric and composition and making it a bit more tangible”. As he continues to talk you can see that he is trying to make us have a deeper understanding when it comes to genres and how can people tell of it in different ways for example in the text he says “ think of genres as a way to help people get things done”. And one more point that was made known about genre in the text is that ” Miller is saying that all genres matter because they
shape our everyday lives. And by studying the genres that we find familiar, we can start to see how specific choices that writers make result in specific actions on the part of readers; it only follows that our own
writing must too be purposefully written.”

Homework for Friday, Oct 9 and Weds, Oct 14!

Hi everyone!  Just some updates!

First of all, no class (optional or otherwise, on Monday, Oct 12) due to the holiday.

Second of all, HERE is the link for the PIE paragraph slideshow.  I wanted to post this again, because I mentioned it in a few of your essay comments.  Remember, it’s important to have a point, information (illustration) and explanation (analysis) in every paragraph!

Now, onto the homework!

By Noon Friday, Oct 9:

READ: “Navigating Genres” by Kerry Dirk https://wac.colostate.edu/books/writingspaces1/dirk–navigating-genres.pdf

WRITE (as you read!) : a Double Entry Journal (at least 4 quotes and responses to the Genre article) Post this on Open Lab.  You can post it with your blog post (below!)

WRITE: a blog post (approx 250 words) about the following:

  • What is a genre you feel you know well?
  • What are the rhetorical features of that genre?
  • How did you learn the rules of that genre (did you teach yourself? how? did someone else teach you?)

Also: the homework for Wednesday will serve as the rough draft of your introduction to your Research Project! This means you will need a research question, which needs to be approved by me before Wednesday.  You can use one of the research questions I suggested in an email to you based on your survey answers– but please only use it if you’re interested.  If not, email me again.  If I approved your topic on Monday, we’re Gucci.  (haha. Sorry. I’m a dork.)

If I have not approved your research question, you need to get your question approved by me ASAP!

By Noon on Wednesday, Oct 14:

Please note: even though classes on Wednesday, follow a Monday schedule, we will have a required class at the regular time on Weds! 

WRITE: Write a blog post (at least 400 words) in which you introduce your research question (remember to get it approved by me first!) You must cover all of the questions in bold. Answer in paragraph form. :

  • Why are you interested in this question?  (Feel free to talk about your own personal experience with the topic, or to tell an anecdote about your experience with this subject matter) 
  • What do you expect to find in your research? (Why do you expect to find this?)
  • What will you do if you find information that goes completely against what you had expected to find? (Will you throw it out? Will you write about it anyway? Will you challenge your own assumptions?) 
  • What genres do you think might give you good information? (What is it about those genres that make them good potential sources?) Please make sure you have read the Kerry Dirk article for Friday, Oct 9 to answer this properly! 

Spend some time on this– because this will serve as the first draft of the introduction for your annotated bibliography! Keep a copy for your final draft! 

Please use the category: Bibliography Intro RD (this will automatically categorize in Unit 2 as well, but it will make these easier to find when it’s time for you to put your whole report together.)

Essays are due on Friday! And links to today’s lecture and chat

Hey everyone!  Here is a link to today’s slideshow: PIE Paragraph Slideshow

And also, here is a link to another “padlet” (that’s the name of the cute little chatroom). Here, you can ask questions, if you want, about the essay due on Friday.  I will answer them!  https://hallnycct.padlet.org/chall174/97qfkql77ecz1mmd

Remember that your essays are due on Friday by noon.  Details for posting are below!

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