Hall English 1101 Fall 2020

Author: Raleek Brown (Page 1 of 4)


A genre i fell i know best is romance . I feel i know this genre well because its something i like to see weather in movies or even in books. Romance novels can serve as mentors for what it takes to forgive, persevere, and make things work. They can also be mirrors that reflect what real love looks like, displaying healthy relationship skills, sacrificial love, and how to overcome obstacle.

Some rhetorical features of that genre include a central love story and an emotionally satisfying and optimistic ending.  The main plot centers around individuals falling in love and struggling to make the relationship work. The reason i like this genre is because it can relate to real life situautions with real life couples or families.. it  doesn’t always have to be about being boyfriend or girlfriend or being in a realtionship. Romance can take many forms in a relationship, but it’s important to try to maintain romantic feeling throughout your time together to help promote longevity and a happier relationship overall. 

I learned about the romance genre when i watch many romantic movies with my grandma. It then became something i like to read and write about. I would read books like romeo and juliet or watch romantic shows and movies on netflix and hulu.  But in all seriesness i love love and  very passionate  about it. This is why i love the romance genre

Something I have always been interested in is changing the world. When I was little people would say pick something else that easy and achievable. Well I would say it is achievable. At first I thought just listening to people and helping people is how I can change the world.  But as I grew older I realize its more than being nice, listening to others, and helping people. Its about how I can impact others and how I can use my education and use that to help others and create a path for others.

This is still something I am interested in.  The reason I am still interested in this topic is because it mostly the type of person I am. I am nice and always worried about others making sure they are ok.

The educational system did play a impact in choosing my topic. I have seen and heard so many stories about how people have change the way america is and I want to be part of that. That is one of the reason I choose city tech paralegal studies cause having a job of a paralegal is a job where I work with other paralegal and lawyers and bring justice and help others. Help make a way for people and make others happy.

This is not a topic I will let go of amd change. This is a topic that I have chosen because it is something that I am passionate about. This more than a topic its life.

James baldwin

James Baldwin’s ,” A talk to Teachers, argues that in order to meaningfully address the problem of racism in America students have to gain a greater consciousness and fight for equality.  Baldwin uses various of different tones to explain that teachers  change the prejudice view on negros and the false history that is being taught about African Americans. What I think that Baldwin mean by “The world is larger” is that there are limitless opportunities for us that are more than what arr about told to us by white Americans. And finally I feel that what should be taught more in school is more history about the black society and how people before us gave usna path. Yes we know about MLK or Malcolm x but what about Richard Allen Arthur ashe or even james baldwin. We should be taught more about how these people change the world for us . James Baldwin history like leaving United States at the age of 24 to settle in Paris. His experience living in the united states was cruel because he seen so may racist things that he left and continued to write and speak his mind about the issue. He changed history with his words, essay, novels and more and change the world

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