Hall English 1101 Fall 2020

Author: Carrie Hall (Page 2 of 10)


Part One: Look at your time capsule from week one—your goals for the semester!


Part Two: In a blog post (but right now during class) Write a little note to your beginning-of-the semester self.

  • What have you learned this semester?
  • Did you achieve your goals? Did you achieve different goals?
  • What surprises have you encountered along the way?
  • Were your goals too small/ too big/ right on the money? (You certainly don’t have to answer all of these questions, by the way– these are just ideas to get you started.)


Part Three: You’re going to revise what you wrote in part two into a PIE paragraph—that is, a paragraph with Points, Information/ Illustrations and Explanations.

Unit Three Due by noon Wednesday, Nov 25!!

Hey everyone– Unit three (and the artist statement)  is due by noon this Wednesday.  For details on the unit see the assignment sheet HERE . Remember, if you are having trouble with the assignment, you need to talk to me BEFORE the assignment is due.

If you are posting a video, it will be easiest to upload to YouTube and then add the link here.  Anything else, you can add as an attachment or add into the body of the text!

I will be grading these over Thanksgiving weekend.

In Monday’s class, we will be discussing writing an artist’s statement

Here is an optional exercise that I strongly suggest you do!  It will help you write a rough draft of your artist statement:



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