Hall English 1101 Fall 2020

Stoic but Hopeful by Casimir Colon

The man in the photo is Heavyweight champion Tyson Fury who has qualities and a background that is similar in a way to mines. Not only do we both love the combat art of boxing, but have done things that we regret due to a rough upbringing and poor mental health.

Fury’s rough childhood stems from being born prematurely and didn’t have the best childhood due not having his father being jailed and for being bullied for who he is, a Gypsy, most of his life. In his adulthood, he has said hurtful and controversial things that tainted his public image and fell into depression losing his passion and nearly losing his will to live.

I can relate to having a rough childhood from constantly being abused physically and verbally nonstop for the majority of my youth from almost everyone I encountered leading me to experience mental health concerns such as anxiety. I felt alone and helpless but one positive thing Fury and I have in common is at a young age we found a passion thag gave us meaning at a young age: boxing.

Due to his antics, Fury lost public credibility and respect but achieved redemption by being open about mental health and awareness of its importance and retaining his heavyweight title after a 3 year hiatus from the sport. After suffering from abuse, I gained self respect by training and becoming more fit and better at defending myself while receding from most toxic people in my life. But I still have a long way to go and am still seeking redemption for myself from my past to achieve something great that cannot be taken away and I hope college opens up my repertoire to new ideas and empowering opportunity.

1 Comment

  1. Carrie Hall

    Wow, Casimir, what a story! I’m glad you’re emerging from this feeling better. And I hope you will emerge even stronger through writing. Glad to have you.

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