In conclusion the word love is the total opposite of lust however people seem to misunderstand these two words. They both feel good and appear to be what one needs. As a matter of fact, it can become a trap once you realize where you are caught either in love or lust. Consequently they are both necessary in any relationship. Lust is what one finds to be a temporary satisfaction they are able to fulfill your desires to an extent. The desire to fulfill your needs may last until you meet the one and are able to overlook and see the pros and cons that could have been produced in the time span of you actually fulfilling that desire.  Where as love as they say conquers all. Love and lust is an obstacle that everyone will end up having to go through in life. It’s something that one can not resist to experience in life within a relationship. The thought of love brings a hundred words to mind. While the thought of lust feels great but brings unfulfillment. No matter how old or young you are, wisdom is needed to differentiate the two. To maintain the two a decision and commitment is something that is needed to be made mentally, emotionally and physically. Not only does lust and love have to be differentiated it is also something that is needed in a relationship. That’s what keeps the relationship balanced. In order for these two things to be maintained in the relationship the relationship is required to be a two way streak where the effort to keep the relationship is being maintained both ways with consideration. The search for love or lust is something mysterious, you can never tell what you may find. You may find temporary happiness, sadness, heart brokenness and many more. Once love leads the relationship the overbearing urges of lust beings to die down and your priorities begin to change. These two things can change one’s perspective of life in general. Keep in mind that heart can be deceiving and once you begin to think that you got it all together that’s when complications begin to rise which will result in you having your heart broken which will make you question love and lust and if that is something that can truly bring happiness. One thing that I can say is that to make sure that the way you are feeling is proper so you wont have to suffer the consequence afterwards.