Hall English 1101 Fall 2020

First Essay Draft

My alarm went off at 6:50am. I woke up and went to eat breakfast with my parents and my older brother. Later I had to go get dressed into my navy blue polo shirt and khaki pants uniform. After getting everything I needed for school I finally got my backpack and left for school. Some days I would walk with my mom to school or she would drive me to school. But today we walked because we had enough time before school started. Also my middle school wasn’t far, it’s about 10 minutes away from home. Although later we regret it because it was really hot outside. Which we should have known because it was the start of summer. Once we got to school my mom would give me 10 dollars for lunch then we would say bye to each other. Then I would get inside school, go to the cafeteria and meet up with my friends. Where later we would go to are classes. In between my 5 period I would get pulled out from a speech teacher. Which I didn’t like so much because it would make me feel different from everyone else. Being pulled out of my regular classes to get into a special class they called it. Being taught English language as if I didn’t know or understand English. When I asked why I was in speech the reason was because at my home my parents mainly speak Spanish. Which makes English not my first language, said the teacher. Although that didn’t seem right, because I didn’t speak anything in spanish. The only language I knew was English. I only spoke English at home and my brother would actually be my translator to my parents. I felt a little discriminated against, I was put into a speech class just because my parents are hispanic and mainly speak spanish and not English at home. Doesn’t allow them to assume that I didn’t know or understand English. They shouldn’t have based my English language knowledge off of my family and what they speak or where they’re from. In that period of time that I was separated from my other classmates it would make me feel so self conscious about myself. Where I would doubt about how I’m not smart enough. I was being taught basic English like I didn’t know how to speak English at all. I started to get embarrassed every time my speech teacher would come into my class and call me out to leave. When I left to go with my speech teacher there were other students also there. Everyone in that speech classroom where people from different countries that actually needed help to learn how to speak and understand the English language . Other students there were like me put into that class because in their homes there’s another language spoken than English. Then I realized the point and purpose of this speech class. It was meant to help students individually for those whose first language isn’t English. However I didn’t agree on how they chose which students had to attend speech class. It is actually not fair and discriminating against those that shouldn’t be in it. I see how people from other countries that don’t speak English at all can actually see it as very helpful and it is. Although other students like me didn’t see it the same way. Well for me in particular because I was born here in the United States. I was raised with the English language. Which makes it unfair that just because they knew that at my home spanish is spoken more Spanish  instead of English.  Which seemed discriminating for me because they’re putting me in class that teaching me English just because my parents don’t speak English at home. Which shouldn’t mean anything to them because I’m attending school. My knowledge and whether I understand the English language is not based on my parents. But based on my hard work and accomplishments in school. I agree that sometimes it’s hard to understand the English language.  But I’m a kid that is also learning with my other classmates at  school. I’m learning more and more about the English language . In the process I will develop more and more my English language and techniques  that will make me better reading and writing skills. I didn’t see the need to put me to the side and treat me differently as ifI didn’t know anything at all of the English language compared to my other classmates. Make it seem as if my other classmates where smarter than me. Which is what they create with this having these special classrooms and regular classrooms. I wasn’t being treated as equal as my other classmates. When I should be because I see no difference in what is or not spoken at my home.


In my writing I intended to send a message and give a clear view of my perspective of how I felt. Although I really think I still need help in making my essay a little more clear and to create a vivid image for the reader. I’m very proud to have actually finished my first 810 word essay dart. I would like the reviews to look and see if my essay is understandable and see the message I’m sending. I also have a question if they personal have writing technique that they could suggest to improve my writing.

1 Comment

  1. Carmen

    I liked how you started making it sound as any normal day for any kid at that age going to school because for you that’s how it seemed before being pulled out for speech class.
    I found the fact that you being so young still understood what discrimination felt like and stereotype just for being Hispanic.
    I wanted to know more about what did they teach you in speech class? how did they ask for you? Did they interrupt the class or lesson to call your name and go to those classes? When did you stop or have you stopped going to speech class? Also explaining the moment leading up to speech class did you know?
    I don’t have any personal writing techniques but you should try to make more paragraphs instead of one, divide it. As well as use dynamic word choice.

    “putting me in class that teaching me English just because my parents don’t speak English at home. Which shouldn’t mean anything to them because I’m attending school. My knowledge and whether I understand the English language is not based on my parents. But based on my hard work and accomplishments in school. ” Overall this essay is good I understand it and your message is clear. I chose this quote because as they judge you because of your parents you were thinking something was wrong here. Instead of them seeing how you will do before placing you somewhere they thought you needed to be not asking themselves is this necessary for the kid? Forgetting your background and just focusing on you.

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