Hall English 1101 Fall 2020

Education Narrative Draft

It was a bright sunny day as I woke up for my school and luckily had only one class that was English. It was Monday mid the march, which is usually the beginning of the spring season. On my way to school, as I was walking flowers were blossoming everywhere and trees were covered with new green leaves. In spring, most people get so happy because they get to go out and it’s not that cold. Naturally, it just put a smile on the face. As I reached school I was looking around, on my left and right there were just students walking to ether classes some were shouting and others were meeting their friends. But later everyone went to their classrooms. As I was reaching close to my classroom, I felt so anxious because I didn’t really like it. That time we were practicing for our regent essays and I used to hate writing essays because that you have to read and pick quotes and have to analyze them which I found pretty boring and hard.  I tried my best not to participate in that class and just ignored it completely.

I Used to ignore the fact that writing can build up your skills and can make you a successful writer which I never paid attention to. That day we were practicing and the moment my teacher called on me, we had a practice lockdown class drill. I got happy and satisfied that I don’t have to participate now and that drill led The Who period to waste. As I was going home, I was thinking and questioning myself that am I doing good to myself? Is this going to affect my college and my future, what would I do if I have to write something and don’t know what and where to start? I came to the conclusion that I should give it a try and try to focus on it its see what happens. Later the next day, I woke up really happy I don’t know why and was so happy to go to my English class, I promised myself that I’ll participate and see where it takes me. As I got to my English class, sat down on my seat, and took out my notebook for the do now. Our teacher didn’t really like us talking so we were just busy doing our work. I looked at my right students were busy doing their do now and on my left, most were already done with it. As I looked outside, some seniors were chitchatting with their friends and laughing like crazy and there was a guy who picked up the garbage and all the other trash. It was chilly outside but warm inside. When I looked at my teachers, they were mumbling to each other about or next homework and the then moment come to participate. I actually decided to listen to others first then say my answer.

As I was listening to others’ answers, got to know how important it is to pay attention especially in English class, because it helps students to learn different ways for writing and these skills really work in every subject.  From later that day, literally paid attention to every little point. I really want to thank my English teachers who really pushed me forward and taught me that just sitting there and wondering wouldn’t take you anywhere in fact you have to work hard for it. And because of them, I came over my essay fear. I really wanted to thank my favorite English teacher who taught a technique that whenever we readjust write a little summary of each Paragraph next to them or pick those words that really stand by you and try to explain why the author uses it and what actually he tries to compare. which led to my essay writings better I’m not claiming myself a Professional writer but that technique really helped me out.  From then I actually like doing easy most of the time and because of him, I got a 5 out of 6 scores in my regent essay which I never ever expected. That’s my story of struggling with writing and how I came over it. And if I can then anyone could,  it just takes more time and practicing without these two things a person really can’t be a good writer or good in any other thing. Perfection asks for time, practicing, and hard work, and without these things, you can’t really achieve what you wanted.



Education meant that I was aiming to grow and grow as an individual and a student, but this experience gave me the challenges and opportunities of education in the world, especially in my class like my teacher used to ask me to give my paper to the class so they can read and get what they are missing and what I have to work on which I really found interesting and helpful. Sometimes he gave me papers to check what’s wrong with the essays and then asked me to found out the mistakes. This experience brought me a new vision, I am not only thankful that I was able to receive a good education, but I am also responsible for providing the same protection to others.



  1. Michelle

    I really liked the imagery you created in the beginning of your essay. I felt like it helped set the scene and created a nice flow to the rest of your essay. However I was a little confused on what exactly you were anxious about. You said you “didn’t like it” but can you elaborate on what exactly you didn’t like? I feel like it will help connect your story. I really enjoyed reading about your growth. You depicted your growth really well and what helped is that you included your thought process throughout your story. From your story its clean that you went from hating writing to enjoying it, but I feel like you should specify your journey a little more. Like including how your teachers helped and pushed you, is there anything they said that stuck with you? I feel like instances such as those can help the reader.

    • FNU Amat ul hahi

      Thank you Michelle, I really appreciate your thoughts and yes I should be more specific about my story lol and need to put more details and I’ll definitely do it in my final draft

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