Overall throughout this semester I can say that my writing has improved because When I used to write it was always short, I was never a detailed person but now I feel like the assignments given now have brought that out of me. In this semester my favorite assignment was Unit two because I got to write about something that I am passionate about which is relationships. I’ve seen so many things happen revolving around relationships that I just have a passion to talk about it. My least favorite assignment was unit one which is the education narrative because not only did I get a low grade but I felt like I didn’t really do good in it and I also felt like I was a little bit all over the place. In my writing I learned to not write in big chunks and also to give details so that the reader won’t be left alone wondering with no answer. As the genre changed I learned that the more you learn in different genres the more your thinking expands. I never knew that Ted Talk is a genre till we started working on our unit three assignments. When it came to decision making in my assignments for content and designs, the padlets that we used in class and the suggestions that Ms Hall always put on the table for us was very helpful. When I began to write I was always insecure about my pronunciations because I used to always feel like the way that I wrote was not proper. Till My God mother and tutor helped me with my pronunciations for example I used to always put i as a lowercase not knowing it’s always supposed to be put as an uppercase.  When it comes to revising Ms Hall has reminded me in her comments to reread. She isn’t the only teacher who has had to tell me that but now I have taken that as a key to a successful writing.For this semester one thing that has been challenging for me is reaching up to the word count I feel like once I’m given one I have a reader’s block. But now that I have been more used to being open to give more details I feel like it’s not as hard for me to reach the word count anymore.